Part 1: Discovery (Rewrite)

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Vote: Should Rita take all of her kids or take some? If so...Tell me which ones. Also this will have language and violence (also if you're offended by the content..move on to the next chapter.)

As Rita Loud arrived home after a long day of work, she noticed that everyone sans her husband was home. Sighing,she knew that he was at the bar again getting drunk off his ass again. All because his restaurant was shut down due to numerous issues that he never bothered to correct. What's worse? She suspected that he was hitting the kids..and instructed her four year old genius to place cameras around the house. That way...if he did anything she would know. 

"Time for the moment of truth." She said as she quickly grabbed her laptop that she used to write her novels and click the link that showed everything that happened when she wasn't around. 

"LORI...GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!" Lynn Sr. Yelled as his oldest daughter walked down the stairs with a nervous expression on her face.

"Yes dad?" She asked before her father stomped his way over to her with a furious expression on his face.

"WHY HAVEN'T YOU STARTED THE LAUNDRY YET?" He yelled at her which caused her to cower a little bit before she started to speak with an obvious shutter.

"I..I had to watch the others." She said before her father raised his left hand and slapped her.


After hearing that, Rita paused the video and tried to calm down her rage towards her husband. She witnessed him hit one of her precious children and tell her that the others won't amount to anything. Which she knew wasn't true since her daughters all had their own amazing talents and her son could easily make amazing art. When she finally felt calm enough to continue...she clicked the video again to continue.

"DAD!! HOW COULD YOU..." Lincoln yelled before his father punched him in the face causing Lori to gasp and rush over to see if her brother was alright. 


"Dad..." Lori tried to say before Lynn Sr. grabbed her hair and pulled her up causing her to weakly get out of his grip.

"YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR SLUT OF A MOTHER! USELESS AND WEAK!" He shouted as he dragged her towards the basement, opened the door and threw her in. And then threw in the laundry that she was supposed to wash and dry. Then he shockingly locked her in without caring whether or not she was injured or not.

Rita stopped the video and quickly wiped away the tears that came to her eyes. What happened to her sweet husband? When did he become such a monster to his own children? But what hurt her the most was that he called her weak, useless and a slut. For 20 years,she worked hard to become an role model for her kids and a wonderful wife for him. And now she could see that all that work was all for nothing since her kind hearted and caring husband was replaced by a monster that doesn't respect her as a woman and treats his own children as servants. She slowly started the video up again to see if he did anything else behind her back.

"Now that Lori and that failure are taken care to call Cynthia." He said as he pulled out his phone and called this Cynthia. 

"Hey Baby. I'm heading out the door right now and going to met you at the Flora Maria restaurant." He said.

"Don't worry baby...I have all the money that I need to pay for it. And afterwards..we can head to the hotel." He said before he quickly ended the call and pulled out some cash.

"I should really thank the girls for winning all this money for me. But...that would just alert Rita that I've been betting on all of the girls activities excluding Leni, Luan and Luna of course." Lynn Sr. Said before he quickly walked out the door and towards the restaurant.

When the video ended, Rita was shocked and disgusted that her husband would stoop so low to actually bet on the girls like that. But first.. she needed to see Lori and see whether or not she's alright.So she walked out of their shared bedroom and opened the basement door. As she did so..she turned on the light and walked down the steps to see a bruised and battered Lori who was silently crying while doing the laundry.

"Lori. Are you okay?" Rita said gently just as she observed Lori jumping a little before turning to face her mother.

"Yes. It's just a stupid fight between Bobby and I." She said causing her mother to frown.

"Lori...I know what really happened." She said which caused Lori to start looking down a little before sobbing. Rita felt her heartbreaking seeing her strong and independent daughter breaking down so she quickly hugged her daughter.

"Why didn't any of you tell me what was going on?" She asked.

"H..He said that he would start abusing our younger sisters and that he would kill you. So..we all covered it up and started to get used to it. I'm sorry Mom...we just didn't want you to see how dad treated us when you weren't around." Lori said.

"You shouldn't apologize Lori. None of you did anything wrong...and I'm going to do the one thing that I should've done long ago." Rita said as she rubbed her daughters back.

Marking the start of Rita's comeback.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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