First Day

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3rd Pov

All of the students came in filling the warm massive hall immediately digging into the food as they sat down discussing what lessons they are doing. They sended their sheet for what lessons they would like to do yesterday. The headmistress a spell that gave every student their time tables.

(I'll do the timetables next chapter.)

As the bell went, all of the students went to their perspective classes. Ivy, Mar, Savannah had Dark arts whilst Harry, Stella, Slade, Calcifer all had COMC first. They waved goodbye as they went different ways, all excited about their classes. This school was massive, luckily they were given maps or else all new students would be absolutely lost by now. Ivy, Mar and Savannah arrived at one of the towers as Professor Moon who teached dark arts was telling their class to go in. Thank god, they weren't late.

"As you are aware I am Professor Moon, I will be teaching you Dark arts this year. There will be no fooling around in this class as we will deal with what are considered dark arts spells, do you understand?" He said as he entered, a chrous of yes professor filled in the room as he told them to turn to page 32 and page 34 copy it down.

Harry, Stella, Slade and Calcifer went down to the frost covered lake, Professor Willow was waiting for them and the rest of the class.

"Hello Class, I am Professor Willow and I will be teaching you care of magical creatures. Today we will be looking at harmless baby unicorns If you turn to page 180, then it will explain all details we know about unicorns. You will be in groups of four and learn how to calmly move towards one of the baby unicorns and maybe speak to it" The Professor said as she led them near the end of the frosty lake.

The rest of the day was filled with other fantastic things, now everyone(Harry, Ivy, Slade, Stella, Savannah, Calcifer, Mar) is hanging out on a balcony near Light arts. They were chatting about their day when Stella said "What if we tell each other more about our home lives and tell eachother some information about ourselves?" The others stared at her, they all knew each other lived in horrible situations. But Stella knows that they're something they all still hiding, how she knows? Well she is too.

"I'll go first" Stella told them. "Well let's start with some information about me; I'm actually transgender but please use she/her pronouns, I have anger issues. And I like books. My home life isn't great as you already know. It started when my parents found out I was transgender, they were furious. My father actually gave me this scar, he threw a cup at my face and then dragged me and smashed my face into a wall. They then threw me into a small cupboard" They looked at her in shock and sadness and immediately grouped hugged her, she made eye contact with all of the she smiled and nodded for someone to say they're bit.

"I guess I'll go next." Harry said standing up, "Some information about me are that I absolutely adore mythical creatures especially Lilith(His female baby Cerberus). My home life also isn't fantastic, my uncle and aunt are like anti-magic. They hate abnormal things, I guess I was one of those abnormal things. I was starved many times, or there were times I refused to eat I wasn't hungry. I was 10 when I was diagnosed with anorexia." All of them again had a massive group hug, now some of them even had tears in their eyes.

"My go, I guess" Savannah said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Information about me is that I love pulling pranks but I have anxiety attacks when I'm too stressed. Also my home life isn't great, I have a twin whose like always in the spotlight and then I'm there just Forgotten. I was treated like an outcast, I was either forgotten or treated miserably. I didn't mind because at least my twin was happy" After she finished, more tears spilled over her friend's faces and the group once again was in a group hug.

"I'll go now" Slade said as he stepped away from the group hug. "Information about me; I  enjoy muggle fighting. My home life, like all of yours, isn't great. My father is physically abusive whilst my mother is verbally abusive. They're not a dark nor light family; they're just neutral. They are images of my parents in my head that I just want to forget." Splat, Splat. Everyone was trying to hold in tears, some failing and their tears hitting the ground. Again, another group hug, they just kind of stood there not really hugging but close enough for them to hug without moving so much.

"Well, my go now" Ivy said. "First, I love magic. My home life was normal until my parents found I'm gay. They took me out of school and made me do chores, so many chores. But eventually they forgot about me, which I'm kind of grateful for. But I still wish what would my life be like if my parents supported me" Bundles of arms pull her into another group hug.

"Liked how you didn't say what would my life be like if I wasn't gay" Harry chuckled.

"Well I would probably be gay in every universe" Ivy stated bringing laughter to her and the others.

"Sorry for being a kill- Joy but it's my go" Calcifer said as he stopped laughing. "Well, I really like swords and sweets. My life at home isn't the best, alot like harry; my parents saw me as a mistake, a freak when I first shown my powers. According to Miss Rose everyone has different family situations but are all mistreated before they go to this school. They loved my sister, she was always like the main person my family talk about. But it's not my sister's fault" Calcifer swore he heard Harry whisper "Damn these tears." They were all in a group hug again.

Mar sighed and said "Well, I'm a Huge cat person. My home life was alright until my father died, my mother blamed me and has tried forcing me into dealing with drugs which somehow I blew the whole thing up. She got furious and started to physically abuse me." Since it was the end of day, they stayed hugging for like and hour and just went exploring the grounds. 10 minutes before curfew they all went to their house dormitories and waved goodbye to one another.

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