Early Mornings

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* short A/N: ok, so this chapter has smut in it. i will mark where it starts and ends, so you can skip it if you're not into that. this also is the first smut i've ever written, so feedback could be helpful (only if you want, of course). i hope you enjoy :)*

I woke up in the middle of the night, freezing. Not really thinking I got up and tiptoed over to my bedroom, quietly sneaking inside as I saw the witcher fast asleep in my bed. I felt the heat radiating from him from where I stood in the doorway. Shivering I followed his warmth and laid down next to him, cuddling into the blankets and his warm body, hoping I wouldn't wake him up. Finally warm I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up a good hour before dawn to the feeling of something laying on my waist. I opened my eyes to see it was Geralt's arm, holding me close.

"Morning," he chuckled. I could feel the vibrations rumbling through his chest.

"Morning," I yawned, making no move to get off of him. He was comfortable and warm, and I was still tired, so I stayed where I was. The witcher seemed amused by that, chuckling quietly to himself. We stayed like this for at least another hour. The sun was slowly rising now, drowning the room in a golden light.

Then the witcher spoke up. "Nienna,"


"If these people hate you so much that they hire me to get rid of you, why do you stay here?"

I lifted my head a little, resting my chin on his chest to look into his golden eyes. "Honestly? I don't know. It's been my home for the last 46 years, I can't just leave. Also, what if my father comes back and can't find me?"

He held me a little tighter, his expression falling. "I don't want to hurt you, Nienna, I really don't, but... a witcher never parts from his sword. If he gave it to you, then because he knew he was going to die."

I wish I could say I was surprised, but the truth is, I already knew that my father would never return to me. I guess part of me was hoping for him to come back, because, apart from him I had nobody in this cruel world. But now that Geralt had confirmed my suspicion nothing was holding me here anymore.

"Hmm," I only hummed in response as I stared into his mesmerising amber eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered sincerely.

I only smiled sadly at him from where I was laying on his chest, hands propped underneath my chin. "It's alright. I barely knew him anyway."

We just stared at each other, the golden sunrise illuminating his face. Gods, this man was gorgeous!

And as we stared his lips stretched to a wicked smile.

"Come here," he said as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to lay on top of him, my legs straddling his waist. But he didn't do anything else, just held me close and continued staring into my eyes. I saw something spark in his and giggled softly.

"You know?" I started, "I can read your thoughts."

"Hmm. Is that so?" his deep voice sounded warm and soft. "Then, what am I thinking."

I shifted a little closer to his face, never once breaking eye contact.

"Hmm," I hummed. I saw his thoughts immediately - and oh boy! "Geralt, it's early morning!" I exclaimed playfully, faking shock.

"So? What am I thinking?" he repeated, grinning.

------------------------------- smut starts about here ----------------------------------------

"You think... that you like how my boobs feel pressed against your chest. And ... that you - amongst other things - want to kiss me," I concluded.

His right hand left my hip and grabbed my neck instead, his thumb stroking my cheek softly. "And? Can I?" he mumbled.

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