Our Little Fox

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My nap didn't last long. Only about fifteen minutes later, Jaskier came upstairs with steaming pot. The smell was enough to make my mouth water and stomach rumble, and I realized that I hadn't eaten much today with everything going on. I put little sleeping Crevan into his crib, covering him with his blanket. I couldn't help but stare and smile down at the little person sleeping peacefully.

On wobbly legs, I got up, Geralt at my side immediately, supporting me as we made our way over to the table.

"Mhh, Jaskier, that smells amazing," I hummed when Geralt helped me to sit down.

During the time he stayed with us, the bard had done most of the cooking, and after the first few attempts that ended in pots crusted in burned remainders of whatever Jaskier was trying to cook, the three of us discovered that he was actually a natural. We ate in comfortable silence for a while, listening to the soft cooing coming from the sleeping child.

"Sooo," Jaskier started after a while, "Have you decided for a name yet?"

Smiling, I turned to my husband.

"Go on," he whispered, nodding.

"Crevan," I beamed, "Our little fox."

"Please tell me I'm allowed to sing songs about him," the bard begged. Next to me, Geralt tensed up. I spoke up before he could snap.

"When he's older, Jaskier, and can decide if he's okay with; for himself." My soft voice was laced with a stern undertone.

"I wasn't going to..." he stopped when I raised my eyebrow sceptically. "Okay, okay. But just imagine: the ballade of the White Wolf and his pup!"

"No, Jaskier!" Geralt burst, "He's ours, and I want to keep it that way for as long as I can!"

His outburst woke our son, causing Crevan to start crying. I jumped up from my chair and rushed over to his crib, lifting the tiny bundle in my arms and rocking him gently.

"Shh, cáelm, en'ca minne (translation: "calm/ quiet, darling")," I cooed in Elder speech, repeating as I went back to the table, sitting down.

"If people find out what he is," Geralt continued in a harsh whisper, "It could put him and Nienna in danger, and I can't let that happen."

"You know I can defend myself," I reminded my husband.

"I still don't want to even think of the possibility that you have to do that."

I sighed, shifting Crevan in my arms so I was holding him in one arm while the now free hand came up to cup Geralt's jaw.

"I know, minne. But there are things that are even out of your control."

"I just want to keep the two of you safe," Geralt muttered, planting a firm kiss to my forehead.

"And this is my cue to leave," Jaskier reminded us of his presence, collecting the bowls, spoons and the pot off the table and starting towards the stairs.

"Jaskier, wait," I whisper-shouted after him. He stopped and turned, looking at me expectantly. "Thank you... for everything. I don't know how we would have managed without you. Crevan can be proud to have his uncle Jas," I smiled at the now stunned bard.

"Uncle Jas," he repeated softly as he started down the stairs.

Geralt turned to me, slightly annoyed. "We didn't talk about this."

"I know," I shrugged, gently rocking our son up and down in my arms, gazing down at these big, beautiful, blue eyes, "But I knew you would have never agreed to it."

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