A Good Man

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A/N : pure smut. skip if you don't like it. enjoy if you like it. :)

And he kissed back, tentatively at first, but the moving of our lips in sync restored his confidence, and soon he won our tongues' battle for dominance as his fingers dug into my scalp and mine in his. The water suddenly felt cold on our heated skin and we broke the kiss to catch our breaths.

"We should-" I trailed off, panting, gesturing towards the bed.

Without warning, Geralt stood, pulling me up with him, and carried me over to the bed. It took him three large strides across the room before he let me fall onto the bed. I bounced slightly. Then he was upon me again, between my opened legs, kissing my lips heatedly, holding me down by the waist with one hand, his other arm supporting his weight with his elbow.

I was so lost in the kiss that I didn't notice his hand leaving my waist and pulling my hands from his hair. Only when his iron grip pinned my hands over my head I felt it, the feeling of being completely at his mercy adding to my arousal. He was using one hand to hold me there, his other exploring my shivering body until he found what he was searching for. He grabbed my aching breast and massaged it eliciting small moans and gasps from me, muffled by his fervent kiss, at first. His lips left mine and he kissed, nipped and sucked his way from my jaw along my neck to my neglected breast, latching onto the rock hard nipple and sucking on it. All the while his fingers were twisting my other nipple almost painfully, but it felt so good.

I'm sure I was dripping by now, the heat between my legs almost unbearable, but it was obvious that Geralt had other plans. He was teasing me, adding his teeth and scraping over my pebbled nipple. I cried out, not caring who may hear it, it all felt way too good to keep quiet. And the witcher was more than satisfied with the sounds he coaxed from me with only his mouth on my breast. I didn't even read him to know that. The arrogant look on his face, as I weakly lifted my head to look at him, told me enough: he'd continue his teasing until I was a moaning, panting and writhing mess for him to take, and I shivered in excitement at that thought.

"Stay!" he muttered an order, muffled by my breast still against his lips. My hazy brain didn't know what he meant, but soon enough his iron grip loosened on my wrists and his hand left me as his lips travelled further down my body, towards where I needed him the most. And I obeyed. Not moving my hands even a fracture of an inch from where he had left them. He kissed down my stomach, his hands already pushing my thighs apart.

"You know? We've been together for so long, the longest I've ever been with a woman, and I still haven't tasted you. Why don't we change that, mhh?" his husky voice and his warm breath against my exposed folds sent shivers down my spine. But honestly, I didn't really know what he meant... all I knew about bedding, I had learned from him, all this week...

But I learned fast. While I was a little lost in my confusion, he had run his tongue through my soaked folds. I jolted at that feeling, and moaned out loudly as he lapped and sucked on my nether lips.

The by now all too familiar coil started to grow in my belly, and I started bucking my hips up involuntarily, only for them to be pushed down into the mattress by Geralt's strong hands, which were definitely going to leave a bruise. I shuddered at the thought of being marked by him that way, making everybody see who I belonged to.

I cried out when his lips encircled my throbbing and aching clit, the swiping of his tongue finally providing the desperately needed friction. A long finger slid into my dripping core with ease, finding that spot that made galaxies appear in front of my eyes and stroked it teasingly slow. He added another finger, but didn't pick up the pace.

I lifted my head to peer at him and shuddered at the sight. I had this mountain of a man nuzzling his head between my legs, staring up at me like a wolf stalking his prey. And a wolf he was. And I was in fact his prey, completely at his mercy.

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