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We quickly led the horses back home, unsaddled them and returned to the pond. I tried to get Geralt to chase me, but he would have none of it. Too scared that something might happen, he kept his arm securely around my waist, keeping me from running ahead.

I didn't even know why I was this cheery – so much more than when he usually returned (not that it wasn't the happiest day of my life every time he came back safe from a job, but this now... this was different). My emotions were all over the place. But it seemed to amuse my husband, at least when he wasn't trying to hold me back.

Soon enough I managed to wriggle out of his grip and grabbed his hand instead, dragging him behind me towards the pond. But he just wouldn't walk faster. He even laughed at my frustrated huffs! I just shot him a glare and tried to pull harder on his hand, urging him to walk faster, which he didn't. Arse.

Gods, the way was so much longer when you don't have a horse!

"What is it with you?" Geralt chuckled as I tugged on his hand for approximately the hundredth time.

"We've been parted for three months! Normally, you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off me for at least four days. So, I could ask: what is it with you?" I said instead of answering him.

Geralt stopped and I was more or less yanked back when I tried to keep walking. I turned, a little annoyed from my impatience to get to the pond. And. He. Fucking. Stopped.

He only chuckled at my face. "Yeah, normally I would. But ... there is a child growing inside you," he reminded me, looking so proud that we were able to say finally that – we both couldn't stop saying it. "I want you. Fuck, I want to so fucking bad. These months without you were pure torture. But I'm still not sure if it's best for the chi-"

"Gods! I already told you, it's fine. It does not affect the child. Not even you could reach that far into me for it to be dangerous. And now come on, minne, I need you!" I whined and tugged on his hand again.

Smirking, Geralt used the force I put into the tugging to pull me towards him, catching me in his arms as I stumbled into his chest. Steadying me with one hand on my back, the other on my cheek, he kissed me deeply, finally giving in to his need. I softly moaned against him as his tongue grazed along my bottom lip, demanding entrance, which I oh so willingly gave him. I didn't even fight back as his tongue roamed through my mouth, refreshing the memory of what I felt and tasted like. The kiss made my head spin, as if it was our first kiss, and I wrapped my arm around his neck, resting my hand right where his neck became his back, balling up the thin black fabric of his tunic in my fist. My other hand cupped his jaw in an attempt to pull him even closer to me; an impossible deed, our faces were already pressed together.

I don't know for how long we just stood there, devouring each other, making up for all the time we were apart. Yesterday was all about our child. Today... today was for us.

Still, we had to pull away way too early. I was panting for air already and Geralt was breathing heavily. We rested our foreheads together, and – again – just stood there. Geralt inhaled deeply and then pulled his head back a little, gazing down at me, a little confused. I furrowed my brows slightly in question.

"You smell... different," he answered my silent question, "Stronger somehow. Like when you were cursed." He took another deep breath, taking in my scent. "Oh, you smell like heaven," he sighed finally.

I giggled and mirrored his action, deeply breathing in his musk. "And you smell like ... Roach. Sweaty Roach," I teased, laughing harder as he stared down at me, mischief glinting in his golden eyes.

"You're in trouble, my love," he muttered, smirking, releasing me from his grip and immediately, I ran from him towards the pond, giggling the whole time. He gave me a head start; he'd catch me anyway.

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