All Alone

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All the kids sat in the waiting room, except Mike H and Bill, they were explaining what happened. The kids just sat there, quietly, no one daring to speak. Until a man, tall, old, and very creepy look walked in, asking for his daughter. It was Bev's dad. She hates him. Then Richie did the stupidest thing in this situation. He stood up, and yelled "She doesn't want to see you". "What did you say to me Boy?" He asked, through his teeth. "I said, she doesn't want to see you". Richie was the only one Bev told about her father, and what he has done. "She is my daughter. My Little Girl" He said trying to pass by Richie. "Oh really. Don't think she hasn't told me about you, and what you do when no ones around" Richie said, staring him Right in the face. Als face didn't change. "You heard him, get out" Aiden said, standing next to her brother. "Don't talk to me little girl" He replied, stepping forward, scaring the 2 kids. Then he bumped bast the kids to the counter. "Miss, I have to see my daughter. Beverly Marsh" He yelled. The lady picked up her clipboard, then said "Your the one person she requested not to let in. But you kids can go in". The kids laughed and watched security forcing him out. Then the kids walked off to room 666 to find their friend. "Richie, what did you mean what her father does when he thinks no ones around?" Lucas asked. He recognized that sentence, it was something Max had said to billy, when she yelled at him, while Lucas was hiding behind the door. "It's not my place to tell you. It's better she tells you when she's ready" He replied. Richie Tozier, under all the jokes, was a good friend. The knocked on the door that Bev was in. "Wassup little red" Richie said loudly, walking in. "Richie, I'm taller than you" Bev replied, laughing. All the kids, the large crowd, walked in the room. "How you feeling?" Will asked. "Definitely better. Everything doesn't feel like it's on fire" Bev replied. "You look better" Ben started, before Bev asked him not to lie to her. "Your dad t-tried to c-come I-in" Bill informed her. "He isn't aloud in" Stanley replied. Dustin and Aiden  walked out of the room, and wondered about the hallway. Then Dustin stopped, and stared into a room. "Dustin stop being a creep and staring at a random person in a hospital" Aiden said, hitting his shoulder. He just continued to stare. "Dustin?" Aiden asked, walking up to him, "who is that?". She had fire like dead hair. Her face pale, freckled, and lifeless like. She was alive, just asleep. "It's her" Dustin replied. "Who?" Aiden asked. "It's Max" He answered, still staring. "Omg, the girl that Pennywise switched with?" Aiden said, realizing. "Holy SHIT" Dustin said, opening the door further. "Is she in a coma?" Aiden asked. "I think so" Dustin said. "Come on, we gotta get the others!" Aiden yelled, grabbing his hand and running. When they arrived at the room, Bev was sleeping and everyone was quiet. "We found your friend" Aiden said, leaning against the doorframe. "Wait, you found Max!" Lucas said excitedly. "Ya, but there's one problem. She's in a Coma" Dustin replied. "A coma" El asked. "It's when your body is asleep, but your brains still awake. Your body doesn't function but you can hear everything around you" Mike explained. "So she is just asleep. How do we wake her up?" El asked. "Well, you can't. The body wakes up naturally" Stan explained. El signed, and tested her head on Mikes shoulder. "Well, come on!" Lucas said, practically rushing out the door. Aiden ran out and yelled: "WAIT, YOU DON'T KNOW THE ROOM NUMBER". He turned around and yelled: "WHAT'S THE NUMBER?" "676" Aiden yelled back. All the kids wandered the cold hallway of the hospital until they arrived at her room. She was, as I said before, almost lifeless. Lucas took one look at her, causing his smile to turn upside down. "Is she dead" El asked. "No El, she isn't" Will replied. "Can you wake her" Mike H asked. "I can try" El answered, closing her eyes tight. Aiden turned around and noticed the lights flickering on and off. So she went outside to check it out. As she stepped out the door, it went pitch black. And Aiden Tozier, HATES THE DARK. More specifically, what's in the dark. She turned around to walk back in the room, to find the door missing. Actually, the whole hallway was missing. She was surrounded by darkness. She could hear her heart beating. It could hear her heart beating. She looked down to see she was walking on air. She couldn't see anything around her. Then she dropped. She couldn't see when she was going to stop, she just kept plummeting down. The closed her eyes and yelled "STOP!". Then with a thud, she hit the floor. She opened her eyes to see she was in the a freaky, old house. It was really creepy. The door swung shut, leaving her alone, in the dark. "Guys?" She asked? She turned around and saw A floating red balloon. I walked over and grabbed the string, running it threw her fingers. She smiled, until the balloon popped. She jumped back, as the string on her hand, turned into a snake. She screamed loudly, but no noise escaped. "HELP! GUYS?!" She screamed. "They can't hear you" Something whispered back. "What, HELP" She continued. "Don't you understand. They can't help you" The figure said, walking out. It was Georgie. "Georgie?" Aiden asked. "They won't help you. Don't you understand. They didn't help me. They left me. Like they left you. They left you here, Alone, to die" Georgie continued. "Just give in. It's fun floating. He has a circus, filled with popcorn. No one will help you". "Your DEAD, your just my mind, playing games" Aiden yelled. She turned quickly, coming face to face, with the clown. "A clown?" Aiden asked, "but I'm not afraid of Clowns". "Maybe you should be" The clown said, happily. Then it took the form of a snake, then a doctor, then her father. "Gays have no place in this world" He said before disappearing. "GO! AWAY!" She screamed, causing her to wake up. To the real world. The hospital, the door, her friends. She gasped for air, looking all around, making sure there was NO CLOWN.

It Was Just a Dream
That's what she kept telling herself. She knew if she kept telling herself that, she would believe it, even if it wasn't a dream
It was back, And Terrorizing her to. She knew she should tell her brother. But something told her to keep her mouth shut. And no-one would get hurt.

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