Our turn

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"Guys, what if they didn't do what the letter said. And they were telling the truth. And It made Max write the letter. And made the girl give it to us. And because we didn't trust them. It took then" Will said, as they were running. They ended in at Bills house first. They knocked on the door, in which his mother opened. "Is Bill home?" El asked. "No, he isn't home. I thought he was, but he is just gone" She explained. The party smiled then turned around. "It got Bill, where to next" Lucas asked. "Bev's?" She said she lived close to Bill" Dustin added. The Party ran to Bev's house. Will knocked on her door. "Who are you?" Mr Marsh asked, beer In one hand, belt in the other. Will gulped at the sight of Mr. Marsh. Mike Pulled him back and asked: "Hello Mr. Marsh. Is Beverly home?". "Why. No she isn't home. Stay away from her, and I suggest you stay away from that young lady. I know what goes through boys minds. And if you see Beverly. Tell her she better come home before her punishment gets worse" Mr. Marsh replied, lifting his belt to his waist. The party were scared so they had to get out ASAP. "That you" Dustin replied, before the party ran. "Ok so Beverly never came home" El repeated. "That means IT got her, or she is somewhere else" Mike completed. "Isn't that her bike" Dustin asked. "Yup" Will replied, walking into the woods behind her house. "Bev" "Beverly" They yelled. Until El stopped at the bottom of a hill, and bent down. "El?" Mike asked. "It's a piece of Bev's dress. And Umm... It has blood on it" El said. "Ok great so it got Beverly to. So we can assume it got all of them. Richie, Eddie, Bev, Ben, Stan, Bill, Mike, and Aiden" Will said. "So I guess it's our turn to find them" Mike said, doing an oddly heroic pose. "Mike I swear to god" El said, walking away.

All the losers lay in the sewer system. All of them starting to wake up. First was Mike, who woke up Stan. "Holy Shit" Stan said. "Wow, you said you first cuss and Richie wasn't awake fo hear it" Mike laughed. "That's not my first" Stan whispered, kicking Richie awake. Then Richie woke up Eddie, who had a fit that he was "laying in Derry Pee", who them woke up Bev, who's heart everyone could hear, beating so loudly. Bev woke up Aiden, and so everyone was awake. (I spent 10 minutes of my life writing how everyone woke up. I'll never get that time back). "Now what" Richie asked, pushing Eddie into the Grey water. "Richie not so loud, It might hear you" Bev said, cuffing her hand over Richie's mouth. "Oh but It has" Something above them said. They looked up, it was It. "Shit! run" Bill yelled, but it was no use, the clown grabbed him. "What's wrong clown. Didn't have time to do your entrance dance. That was the highlight of my last visit"Bev yelled. "If you insisted. It will be the last this you see" Pennywise laughed, putting it down. Then he disappeared.

"Bev! I don't want to watch a fucking dance" Richie complained. "1. Gives us time, 2. When he dances don't move!" Bev yelled whispered. Aiden nodded before sitting down. The jack in the box opened, scaring the shit out of her; causing her to yelp, and everyone to look at her. "Step right up. You'll laugh, your cry, you'll cheer, your die. Now intruding Pennywise the dancing clown!" It spoke. Then the curtain opened, and firecrackers exploded. There was, in the center of it all. And he did his dance. One leg up, one leg down, switch. After a minute of this, Richie had enough, and ran. The clown leaped and grabbed him. "Richie" everyone screamed. He kicked at screamed, but it was no use. Aiden picked up a bat and hit the clown, screaming "let go of my brother!". And it dropped him... and picked her up. She shivered in his grasps. And he spoke something no one could hear, before opening his mouth wide af and revealing the dead lights to her. Three circles of light that was the clowns true form, made her float. "AIDEN" Richie yelled, before running to her. But the clown grabbed him, grabbed them all, showing them the bright lights, and letting them float up like balloons full of helium. Pennywise couldn't eat them, because they weren't afraid. Well most of them weren't. One of them had never really fought him, causing her to shiver. I'll eat her later he thought to himself.

Little did he know the party had figured out his plan. "Where was the entrance to the sewers?" Will asked. "That creepy house we passed in the car. That house on Neibolt street" Mike replied. As they pulled up to the house, it sent shivers down their spine. "I already hate this" El said. "I'm sure it's about to get hella worse. We have to find him threw the sewers, climb down a well, into a small passage, and hope we don't fall. And then kill that fucking clown, while it tries to also kill us" Lucas said. "Not helping" Will whispered through his teeth.  Lucas put up his hand in apology. Then the kids went into the sewer, with Dustin leading the way. Dustin shuffled the map In his hands, clearly not understanding the sewer system. Then he stopped walking. "GUYS! I think I found it" he whispered-yelled. Everyone ran to him and stared at the large room. Filled with random toys from his killed victims and 8 kids, floating not as high up as the others. It's was the losers. "Help me get them down" El yelled, running and reaching for Bens shoe. Mike lifted her up and helped her grab Ben, and pull him down.

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