The house on Mapel Street

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o?'s POV:

I guess it's time to head on down to Derry Maine.

*Max and Hopper are Currently driving to Hawkins*
"Hop, I don't want to go home," Max said, lifting up
Her head up From the window. "Why?" Hopper asked. Max realized they were almost on her block. She gulped. "You'll see" She continued. They pulled up to a nicely gardened house. Hopper looked impressed by the young girl's home.  But she frowned and turned around. She walked up To a house stinking of smoke and alcohol. The window was cracked and broken. Max spun around and said, "Not doing this, not going inside". "Why not," Hopper asked. "I swear, everything is better on the outside" Max sighed. The house looked terrible on the outside, so it must be even worse on the inside. Hopper grabbed the young girl and walked her up to the porch. "Knock," He asked. She sighed and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a redhead girl which Hopper assumed to be her mom

Hoppers POV
The lady had a cigarette in her mouth, and she looked very Drunk. She saw me and thought her daughter was in trouble. "Awww Maxine, there you are, how could you run away. Your Family and I have been worried sick" Her mother said in a sick way. "Miss Hargrove, can we come in and sit," I asked. She opened the door and the intense spell of liquor and smoke filled my nose. I stepped inside to see a torn up couch, smashed bottles everywhere. "Sit down, I'll get Neil,"  her mother said, as we sat down. Large steps down the hallway and a large man stepped into the hallway. "There you are you little.... oh hi officer," Neil said, forcing a smile. "Hi, Mr. Hargrove. I'd like to speak with you. Max has been staying with Me and her friends in Derry Maine and" I started before getting cut off by Neil. "Wait so she has been staying with her friends. Even that black one". "Yes, Even Lucas" Hopper said, "we are moving to Derry Maine, all the families. And we offered Max to live with us". "No well, she will have to decline," Billy said, resting against the door frame. "Billy is correct. She will be staying here. With her family" Max's mother continued. "I'm going with them, Mom. I just came to get my stuff" Max replied. "We never said you could leave" Neil yelled. "Sir, she wasn't asking. She is leaving" I say, calming them down, or trying. Neil stood up and tried to grab her, but failed. "Sir, please sit down and the adults can talk about this," I asked, sitting him down. "What's there to talk about. You want to take my daughter to Maine. She is better here" Susan screamed. "Ma'am. You're an alcoholic, you smoke and your house is a mess. The house we found is nice. She will live with her best friend, my daughter. A safe Neighbor" I tried to our shade but these parents would not budge. But El had asked me to bring max to live with us because her family sucks, so I'll bring her. "With all due respect. Your daughter was asked to live with us, and she wants to. So your daughter is coming with us. She is only grabbing clothes and mandatory things. We are buying both girl's new things" I said. "We thank you but" Neil started before Max exited her room with her suitcase and a backpack. "No!" Susan yelled and yanked her kid by the wrist. "Mom just let me go," Max asked. Susan looked at her daughter in the eyes. "You ungrateful bitch. Neil and I have done so much for you. Go with The officer, Max. And don't come back when things go wrong" Susan screamed in her daughter's face, before letting go.


Max looked down, hurt by what her mother said. "Ok, we will be off. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove" Hopper said standing up, behind Max and walking outside. "Well, that went, well?" Max asked. "I guess. We just have to stop and Pick up some of El and I's stuff. You get the stuff she wears and needs" Hopper said as they pulled up to their home. They both jumped out and walked inside. El's room was a mess, so Max just grabbed as many clothes she could find. Which was 2 bags full of clothes? She grabbed her dinosaur and anything that was meaningful to El. And met back at the truck and drove back to Derry Maine.

Hoppers POV
*in derry*
We had pulled up to the house that Me and Joyce had bought together. (They be dating). So the house would have El, Max, a Will, Johnathon, Joyce and I. I want to be a happy family with her. (UwU moment). The house was nice and big, full of rooms. Will and Johnathon wanted to share a room, El and Max share, and Joyce and I share. We have 1 extra room for whatever it needs to be. Everyone was so excited to move out of a trash town of Hawkins. The memories where never happy, and we would leave all the monsters behind us. And that's what I want to do.

I'm not sure why it sound like the end of the book when I reread it, cause it's not. I'm sorry for a short chapter

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