I Got Accepted and Guild Registration (2)

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We arrived at the guild, I saw a two classing blade symbol in the front palate of the guild. "Ichiro, Kai, Angle we will go inside and I want you to let me do the talk. If they start a fight with me just let them be and I will solved it alone. Don;t do anything without my order. do you understand?"

The three of them nod, indicating that they understand my order. "Mary just look some place to keep the carriage. I'll call you when we are done"

"Okay little mistress" Mary left and we enter the mercenary guild. As it's name the inside was filled with tensed atmosphere. I lowered my hood cap, All of the people in the room are giving us some stares. I reached the guild registration table and called the receptionist. A big and bulky man appeared and sneered at me. "What can I help this little miss here?"

"I want to register as a member"

"Excuse me but miss you know this is not a play ground right"

"Do you think I'm blind then?" I answered him making the guy eyes twitch a little.

"Young miss you do know hat kind of place is this right?"

"Like I said so you think I'm blind? I want to register what makes it so hard to understand" I scoffed at him.

I can tell that Ichiro will asked me many question about my haughty behaviour today. Well he never saw me like this so of course he is curious.

"So arrogant! Who do you think you are?JUST KICK HER OUT ALREADY" one of the mercenary shout at me. I give a slight glimpse and snickers after I saw his status.

"Who are you to speak like that. With a low level like you do you think you can beat me?" I challenge him with my mocking tone. He is only a level 25 warrior, even though I am still level one right now with my all max status I am at least 10 times stronger than him.

"YOU!" He charger at me and pull out his sword. I sigh at him, I throw my small dagger at him with only 1% of my strength his sword immediately shattered and he was blown back 5 steps.

"not coming?" The whole area was in silence now "can you please proceed now? I have some business to attend after this" I'm lying though, I need to meet Seb acquaintance after this.

"Little miss why don't we have a spar for a while?" Another new voice appeared from from upstairs. I saw a tall man with black hair walking down the stairs calmly while smoking. I raised my eyebrows seeing the person who just join the crowd, I saw his stats and he is quite strong indeed. Well what can I say he is the guild master after all.

"Sure but I don't have all day. So we do it now" I say arrogantly ay him. I can see the disapproving look from Ichiro and the shock from the crowd.

The guy chuckled and throw his cigarette at the floor. He crushed it wit his feet and answer "sure"

We were guided to the guild training ground. I saw many weapons lined up at the side of the field "Bare hand or weapon little miss?" The guild master ask me.

"Just choose what you comfortable with sir, I'll follow you"

"Well arrogant are we, then weapon it is" He walk to side and took some sword from the place. I took some dagger from the place too, The dagger is not a good quality weapon so I think of giving it a little enhancement for this battle.

"Let's begin" I said that, the guy smirked and he suddenly disappeared 'Really?' I can feel his aura at my back. just when his sword almost touch my back I dodge and and jump over his shoulder "Come on sir I know you can do more than this"

I saw his shock face from my place, he return back his composure and charge back at me. I didn't dodge this time and block his sword with my dagger. "I can't believe this small body of yours has a great amount of strength"

We keep clashing each other where he charge and I block his attack 'This is getting boring' I decided to end the match by throwing one of my dagger to the ground, I disappeared and appeared at his back, I grab his collar and slam him to the ground I sat at the top of him lock both his hand with both of my foot and aim my dagger at his neck. I can hear a lot of gasping from the crowd "I guess it's my win mister" I said to him while giving him my sweetest smile.

"*cough* I guess you win but can you move from me now?" I suddenly realised at our awkward position. I stand up and help him stand too.

"Well little miss welcome to the mercenary group, I am Joker that's my code name and I am the guild master" Joker grab my hand for a shake.

"Well there mister Joker I'm going with name Queen now. Pleasure to meet you"

With that I have officially joined the mercenary guild. I grab my guild card and left with my group. "Wow Love, I never thought you are good with weapon too! Your magic is already good adding with you fighting skill. *sigh* you are too powerful" Ichiro said excitedly but he sigh at last, I wonder why.

"Fu~fu~fu~ my mistress  is the best, I am waiting for our daily training mistress" Angle said while opening her fox mask slightly.

"Now let's go home and meet our guest" With that we left from the guild and return back home.

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