Let's Find mr. Dragon

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Love POV

It's been a month since I attend the school, Ichiro has long gone back to his home. A week ago I received a letter from him, he said that he is going to give a chance to the engagement plan. Well I'm relieved because he want to solve the problem in a good way.

My friendship with Roger and Kyle has also gone stronger. My connection with Alex the crown prince has also gone steadier, we're just friend okay! so please don't have your hope to high.

For the past few month my work is only studying, getting some missions and checking Yoru's cafe, sometimes I go out and play with Roger and Kyle. But now I feel so bored.

"Mistress why don't we go to look for mister dragon" I was seating in the garden gazebo while having my morning tea.

Maybe we could go for some trip, we have a week holiday because the school is preparing for  their 100 anniversary festival. The preparation is actually next week, but we are given a week holiday before preparation day. And so I decided I will go and look for the dragon.

Roger and Kyle is busy anyway so they won't bother me for the time being.

"Okay Kai...let's prepare what we need"

I pack some lunch for me and Kai, a magic fruits that will be used for emergency. I change my casual home attire into something more moving comfortable dress and a black knee high combat boots.

 I change my casual home attire into something more moving comfortable dress and a black knee high combat boots

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We won't leave for so long, I just hope that the dragons are easy to tamed. I don't have high hope it will be easy but who knows right?

We departed before the sun reach the top of our head, We didn't ask for Mary to drive us. Kai turn into his beast form and we walk through the forest. even though it will be a little bit far away at least Kai won't be spotted. We also doesn't want to be spotted walking to the school direction, because all people know the school letting their student back to their home for a short holiday.

The way though the forest was actually quite relaxing. Maybe I have to make walking through the forest our monthly routine.

"Mistress we're almost arrived, but I sensed some magic barrier around the school and the cliff"

Kai informed me before we arrived "Stop one meter from the barrier"

"Okay mistress"

a minute later we arrived at the cliff. I climb down from Kai's back and walk slowly to the protection barrier. After examining it for a while I decided to make a hole through the barrier. Well if I broke the spell and the barrier disappeared it will alarmed the school teachers. I use my space magic and touch the barrier slowly. I imagine a hole at the barrier, a hole that will fit me and Kai to enter. I can feel the magic is working at it slowly making a hole in the barrier. After it stop spreading I try to walk through the barrier and nothing happen, I sign Kai to enter and I climb up to his back.

Kai jump down the cliff through the rocks carefully, while I hold onto his body tightly. At the middle of the cliff we stop for a while and I close my eyes and concentrated my mind at the mana in my surrounding. I see a big mana ball at the left of our side, the presence is coming from a cave in side the deep valley. "To the left Kai, but be careful, the dragons are two and not one" Kai nod and jump through to the rocks that appeared through the wall of the cliff.

We reach the mouth cave, I told Kai to stand outside the cave.

It's right I can their presence "Their presence makes me shivered mistress" I can sense Kai's nervousness and he trembled a little. 

"Follow me from the back let me the way" Kai nod at me "Light orb" I whispered some light spell and two light orb appeared before me.

We enter the cave slowly, trying not to make any noise. Even I fee like in a second I hold my breath to long. The atmosphere around here is so tensed, I can't help but shivered. Well this is a dragon we are talking about not some random lizard.

The more deeper we enter I feel their presence getting stronger. We finally arrived at the middle of the cave, I see a lake in the middle of it, but I didn't see any dragons around. I am sure that they are here so where are they?

"You impudent human dare to disturb our sleep?"

A deep growl made the cave shake a bit. It's the dragon but where are they?

"Hello! mr dragon. I am here to make a negotiation with both of you" I said to the unseen dragon. suddenly the ground shake and the lake was bulging and finally appeared two huge, no scratch that humongous  dragons. One of the dragon has a beautiful and shiny black scale with a golden eyes, while the other has a sparkling beautiful electric purple and a the same golden eyes.

"hmmm? What's this? you didn't smell human at all" The black dragon said curiously  while lowering it's head and sniffing my body, umm is this guy a pervert?.

"Brother you can't do that to a stranger. You look like a pervert" ah he said what's on my mind, the purple dragon lightly smack the black dragon head.

"Well I don't care what I know is that you are the one who woke us from our slumber" He growled, not satisfied being woken up.

"Well I come here because I was asked to and I need your help" I walk approaching them slowly.

"Are the humans ordered a little kid to kill us? what a joke, I think they have gone crazy" he laugh mockingly at me.

"I'm not ordered by the humans to come here, I was ordered by Sozo"

"Sozo?..." Every thing was silence for a while "What did that stupid god wants this time?"

"he told me all of the races has begin to feel all of the elementals existence, and I was tasked to gather you all and make a contract so you all will be more safe" I explain slowly to the dragon brothers.

"A mere child like you could keep us safe? was Sozo crazy or something?"

"For your information mr. dragon even though I am small I am a goddess successor who is under training right now" Speechless was the expression I can see from the dragon.

"What's you proof?"

Finally it's time, I pull out two magic fruit from my small bag and show it to them. "It's the real magic fruit" Just before they could touch the fruit I take it back and hide it from them, for your information magic fruit can only be grown by god or goddess hand, and because I am a part of them now I grow this fruit for this occasion. This magic fruit can help them restore their magic or even strengthen them just like when they are still a young dragon. That's why this will be the best bargain chip for this negotiation.

"Well I have prove it now what will you do?"                                                                                          

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