Part 1

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*16 years later*
(Charlotte POV)

"Lottie! Wait up!" My best friend Peter calls from behind me as I walk to school. We always walk together, but he was a little late this time. I laugh as he runs with all his books in his arms. "Did you lose another back pack?" I ask teasingly. "Maybe." He says with a smile. I laugh and we walk the rest of the way talking and catching up. We get to school, and as soon as we walk through the doors I start to feel a twinge of nervousness. I always do at school. Something about the people and the noise just sets it off. "Breath." Peter says. He must've noticed me tensing up. He lightly puts his arm around my waist, and leads me through the crowds. He always does his best to help me, because he knows about the curse. What's the curse you ask? It's the worst thing in the world.

So I was 'blessed' when I was born right? No. I was put under a spell, that makes me fall asleep when I'm nervous. Why does that weird crap exist? I don't even know. I wish it didn't. But superheroes, wizards, fairies, etc. All that exists. Peter is one of them actually, being Spider-Man and all.
You should've seen me when I found out. I walked in on him in his suit, and fell to the floor asleep because I freaked out, startling Peter. He died laughing over it a second later though. Lots of people think my 'fainting goat' curse is very comical. I'm sad to say that they're not wrong. It is funny. So funny it's sad sometimes. But so far today, I've managed to keep it under control. I've been pretty good with it all week actually. Peter has been encouraging me the whole time, which helps a lot. He knows what it's like to feel weird and like an outsider, so he's been my friend since freshman year.

We're seniors now, finally almost over with this heck hole they call school. But back to the present, Peter successfully steers me to my locker. His is right next to mine.
"See? You're doing fine. And it's Friday. You make it today, you've made it a whole week." He smiles proudly. We get our things out of our lockers and then we have to separate for our first classes. But it's only one, the rest of them we have together. I didn't notice, but I must've had an uneasy look because Peter squeezes my hand. "You'll be fine. Don't worry. We can hang out tonight and celebrate your week of no incidents." He smiles. I take a deep breath and then return his smile, mustering up my confidence. He walks me to my class, and then heads off to his. I'm in Maths now, and Peter is in English. I walk in quickly, trying to make it past the small crowds of other rambunctious teens in the class so I can get to my seat in the back corner.

I'm almost there, then Flash's girlfriend Megan stands in my way. "Hey, hows your goat syndrome going? I haven't heard of you embarrassing yourself all week." She smiles, rather evilly if you ask me. "Megan, c-can I just go to my seat." I ask, knowing where she wants to take this. "Why? Are you afraid you'll break your streak?" She sneers. I sigh, slightly frustrated, and look at my feet. I try breathing deeply to calm my nerves, but other people have started watching. "Oh, I'm not making you nervous am I?" She asks in an innocent voice. My heart rate has sped up. No. I can do this. I will not break to Megan. I keep trying to have even breaths, and avoid her eyes. "Come on, you're not gonna just teeter-totter over because I'm talking to you are you?" She taunts again. One of the boys from her friend group pipes up.

"Hey! Tottie Lottie! That's funny." He laughs annoyingly. Everyone snickers a little. "T-thats kind of dumb actually but o-okay." I mumble with a shrug. Megan grins. "I think it's pretty great actually." She says. I try to brush past her, but she grabs my arm. "Let go Megan." I say. "What's the matter? Do you not like us calling you that?" She sneers again. And there it is. I feel it coming. "Megan please." I beg quietly. "Aw, 'Tottie Lottie' is begging." She does finger quotations when she says the awful nickname. I'm starting to feel drowsy, and my mind is getting fuzzy. "Please." I say desperately. Suddenly the room is too crowded, and my breathing is jagged. "Sweet Dreams Lottie." Megan throws in one last taunt, and then everything goes black.

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