Red flags

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You'll believe him when he says he loves you
Maybe because he really does
You'll see past all the obvious
Since you want to believe in the better
You'll ignore all the red flags right in front of you
Because you know he is the one, he really is
But how long will it take for you to figure out
That love is not all that you need to have
Love is not enough for your life
There's more to life than love
The right kind of love wouldn't make you question the meaning of it
It would all just work out
If you have doubts, then maybe something's missing out
Maybe you've been overseeing things
Maybe you wanted to see only what you chose
You kept ignoring anything mightly inconvenient
How could anything be wrong when he is the right one
But what if you're wrong?
What if he is the right one and yet love isn't enough to conquer it all
It all stems put from you, because you are unhappy
Maybe it's just not the right time
He maybe be all that and more , but it's not your time to accept this love
If your are unhappy even when you are loved, you have to find back your happiness
Love doesn't mean one sided sacrifices and suffering
You are supposed to rise in love, not fall
So why are you suffering? Why do you choose to suffer? Why are you stuck?
It's not to late to figure out what you want
You are your own person, you have your own life
Why waste it being unhappy?
You need to realise that love hurts, love breaks
Choose what you want your life to be
An ultimate sacrifice that you are going to regret
Or you wanna take control and live?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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