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Is that who you are, when you are by yourself. Knowing that there's no one watching. Where you don't have to keep up the pretense.

With me, you could be yourself. Is that why I came to see your dark side with tears pouring down, both yours and mine. Do you feel better at my expense.

You keep saying you love me, but how do I believe that. When the person you become is not the one I fell in love with. You call that love, but isn't it self defense.

There's not a day that goes by without a hindrance. Distance was the enemy so here we are together trying to make sense of what we are and who we are. Still all we are is tense.

The words we say, the things we do, keeps on going downhill as time goes. No offense we are not perfect, but better is the least we could try to be if not intense.

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