Mistakes Made

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Vote up and comment! Also josh is low key on my nerves...

Joshua's POV
      I can't remember that much from that night except for  blinding lights, great music and that kiss.   
      I remember Liz kicking me out of her room, "I'll see you later."
      Something about someone spilling punch on her and having to change her outfit, again. I didn't notice it.
      Funny thing is, I felt guilty. Walking down those stairs, I don't know, felt weird. Liz is one of my best friends, I wouldn't, no I couldn't, hurt her. Ever.
      Don't get me wrong, Liz McAlpine is beautiful, caring, talented. I could go on and on about her. But something felt off.
      I met up with my sister and her friend, who were talking to some people.
      As soon as Claire saw me, she pulled me aside, "What the hell happened?" She asked, worriedly.
      I smiled down at her, "Nothing, don't worry about it."
      "I-Will-Never-Stop-Worrying-About-You-Josh-." She said, poking my chest.
      She gasped, wiping the corner of my mouth with her thumb. She showed me the red lipstick on her finger, "Nothing my ass."
     "Please, Claire, just let it go okay. I'll tell you everything tomorrow." I tried.
     She shot me an accusing look, but didn't press further.
      Like I said, the rest of the party was a bit of a blur.

Olivia's POV
      So it's been a week, I obviously didn't get the role. I was sad, but I'm really excited to see the show either way.
      I pushed the covers off of me, sliding out of bed. I could see a slight mound next to me on the bed, snuggled tightly in the blankets.
      "Madison...." I groaned, my voice cracking.
       No reply. That's what friends are for, I suppose. I walked into my bathroom, flicking on the lights.
      I was a mess. Hair up in a messy bun, no makeup, sweats paired fashionably with an oversized t-shirt. I visibly cringed as I started brushing my teeth.
      Madison and I were trying this new thing, where we don't sleep. It was starting to show too, the bags underneath my eyes were gonna need their own seat in the car.
      I washed my face, putting on eye masks.
      As I exited my bathroom, I was greeted by a freshly awake Madison, answering the phone.
      Wait, was that my phone?
      "It's for you." She yawned.
      "Yes. Thank you Madison, it's my phone." I rolled my eyes.
      She handed the phone to me sticking out her tongue.
     "Hi, Olivia, it's Alycia," Alycia was my manager. "I'm so sorry about the role, for HSMTMTS, I know how much it meant to you."
      "It's okay...." My voice cracked.
      "You shouldn't be upset though." She laughed.
      "And why is that Alycia?" I humoured.
      "Because you got the part!" She chuckled. I thanked here quietly, before calmly hanging up.
      I started screaming. Madison started screaming, not sure why.
      My mom came running in, "No fire, no boys. Okay. Why are you guys screaming?"
      "I got the part!" I screamed.
      "You got the part?!" Madison and my mother yelled in unison.
       We all started screaming and crying, hugging each other.
       My dad poked his head in, "What is this all about?"
      "I got the part, dad." I smiled.
      "Oh my god! That's amazing sweetheart! I'm so proud of you!" He said, hugging me tightly.
      As soon as my parents cleared out, Madison turned to me, "I suppose we will be seeing more of a particular curly headed boy?"
      "Wow, it almost slipped my mind." I responded sarcastically.

       It was finally time to fly to Salt Lake City, with my mom of course. I had packed my bags last night. My whole life, for the next sixth months, were packed into two little suitcases. How you ask? It's still a mystery to me.
      I ran down stairs, luggage in hand. My parents were standing in the front foyer, hugging. They barely noticed as I rolled my suitcases to the front door.
      The drive to the airport was gruesome. Once we got there, there were a lot of tears and hugs. Some from me, but mostly from my mom.
       My dad smiled at me, finally letting go of my mom. He gave me a huge hug, "Take care of each other okay? I'll fly down as soon as I can."
      My mom and I grabbed our luggage carts and pushed them into the airport. I looked back at my dad. He winked at me, waving.
      We were checking into our flight when I heard, "Olivia, hey, Olivia!"
       I turned to see Tim Federle walking towards me, dragging a silver suitcase behind him.
      He hugged me and mom, "I'm so excited to work with you!"
      My eyes began to trail off behind him. Was that, Josh?
      I squinted, trying to focus my sight. Yep. That was Josh. With two girls?

Joshua's POV
      I almost forgot how bad of a driver my sister was. Key word here, almost.
      My life flashed before my eyes as my sister swerved through traffic, almost ending my life a few times. The rest of my siblings and parents were also in the car.
      Finally, thank God, we made it to the airport. I almost jumped out of the car, thankful to feel the ground beneath my feet once again.
      My sisters and I dragged my suitcases out of the car, loading them onto the cart. Claire helped me push it inside of the airport, bugging me about how many suitcases I was bringing.
      Once we made it inside, I think her tough guy act caved.
      She gave me a massive hug, "I'm so proud of you, Joshua." When she pulled away I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
     All of my sisters lined up, giving me hug after hug.
      Finally my parents both hugged me, my mom giving me a kiss on the head.
      Then I saw her, she was dressed in a tan furry coat, white shirt, black pants and slip on vans. Her hair was loosely pulled back into a pony tail. A few strands had come loose, somehow perfectly framing her face.
      She was talking to an older women who looked strikingly like her, I'm guess her mom.
      She let out a small laugh, covering her mouth with her hand.
      Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, Tim was smiling excitedly back at me.
      "Are you ready?" He asked, eyebrows raised and smiling.
      "As ready as I'll ever be." I laughed, giving him a one armed hug.
      Tim started talking to my family for a bit.
      I turned around, working up the nerve to go talk to her.
      Finally I started moving, my suitcases dragging behind me.
      I almost made it.
      Suddenly, I heard Claire say, "One more surprise, Josh."
      I turned around, "What surpri-?" I almost bit my tongue.
      Next to my sister, standing with her arms crossed was Liz McAlpine.

Whoa, well that was....
Love you guys,
- Stanficc

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