The Auditions

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Hi guys this is my first fanfic so please cut me some slack.... I really hope that you guys enjoy and leave a comment down below about what you think!!! Suggestions are always helpful. Or if you just wanna give me some love :) feedback is always appreciated.
- stanficc

Joshua's POV
      This was a stressing experience. I cautiously peeked out of the audition room into the hall.
      My eyes scanned over what looked like 30 or so 'Ninis'. All of them seemed the same, experienced, great resume, great looks. But they all lacked that star quality.
      Tim Federle, the creator of the show, had pulled me aside earlier, "I want you to be in on this Josh. Sure, chemistry reads are necessary but I want you to be there while we screen potential Ninis. I want to see how you react to them, how they interact with you. We need that star quality." I nodded my head eagerly, not knowing then that it would be a very time consuming task.
      I glanced at my black Apple Watch, overpriced but surprisingly useful, not to mention classy.         
      Auditions start in about 30 minutes... that means that everyone that is supposed to be here is here. I sighed, this seemed to be a bust.
      Suddenly, the audition hall door burst opened. A cute, brown haired girl rushed through to the sign in table. She was dressed in a black suit with her hair tied back in a slick pony tail. She signed in, smiling at the attendant. She quickly sat down in a nearby chair pulling a script out of her purse. You could tell she was good with people, the way that she became instant friends with the girls that were sitting close by. She grew a serious face as she whispered the lines to herself quietly.
      The hall door opened again, this time a tall Asian girl walked through, keys in one hand. She surprisingly walked past the sign in table to the chairs.
      She was looking for someone. Suddenly the brown haired girl yelled out, "Madison!!" The Asian girl looked around before smiling and walking towards her. They hugged each other before the Asian girl sat down, Madison I think.

Olivia's POV
I've never wanted anything more than this role.
      I nervously read my lines to myself in a whisper as time ticked slowly. The girls around me all look so... prepared. They were all beautiful, outgoing, talented. UGHHHH....
Sure, I'd been on Bizardvaark so I wasn't new to Disney. But this was for Highschool Musical! This is not even close to the same level.
      Still, being on Disney gave me an advantage over the other girls auditioning, hopefully that was enough.
I began to have a small panic attack, my hands were getting clammy as I kept reading my lines. Defeated, I put my script away and hoped for the best.
      Where was Madison? Madison Hu, aka my best friend and ex-costar. She supportingly drove me here and calmed my nerves as I freaked out in the car. And in-front of the building. And in the elevator. She was my anchor.
She was also nowhere to be found.
      As I was freaking out in the elevator, she realized that she had forgotten her phone in her car. I didn't blame her for trying to get away from me though.
      Suddenly, I saw her walking aimlessly around the hall.
"Madison!!" I yelled, trying to get her attention.
Luckily it worked and she walked towards me smiling nervously.
     "Hi, how are you holding up?" She said hugging me tightly.
      " I feel sick." I groaned.
She smirked, "You better get this part because you're easily the most dramatic one here."
I rolled my eyes, laughing.
"Looks like you've already caught someone's eye." Madison nodded in the direction of the audition room.
A tall, curly haired boy was staring back at me.
As soon as we met eyes his eyes widened, turning away from me. I blushed, looking away.
I wonder who that is?

Omg Olivia... you're here for a freaking audition. Just stop, please for the love of god stop. Concentrate. Book this role.

Joshua's POV
She caught you staring Josh, how are you gonna charm your way out of that!
I quickly looked away, trying to cover the tint across my cheeks.
Suddenly I was saved from my own embarrassment.
Tim came out from the door smiling, "Alright, so we are gonna start auditions for Nini now!"
I heard a few cheers from the crowd.
I glanced back to the brown haired girl. She was thankfully not looking back at me, but profusely studying her script.
Tim patted my back, "Come on, time to start auditions."

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