Airplane Mode

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Okay so I haven't updated in.... okay let's leave it there.
Thanks to everybody that voted and left comments.

Joshua's POV
I glanced over at Olivia, who was sitting with her mom, a few seats away. She was immersed in her phone. We had boarded almost 10 minutes ago, and I was itching to finally get to Utah.
      Tim shuffled in the seat next to mine, "There is really no way to sit comfortably is there?"
      I chuckled, handing him a pillow, which he took gratefully. I could relate to his pain, planes weren't built for tall people.
       My legs had already started cramping. This was going to be a long flight.
      A flight attendant came running down the aisle and stopped at our seats.
       She smiled, "Mr Basset, Mr Federle? You've been upgraded to our premium class. If you'd just make it this way."
        Tim and I looked at each other in shock. He shook his head, "This was not me."
        I looked over to Olivia, who had disappeared along with her mom.
        The flight attendent seemed to notice, "Ms and Mrs Rodrigo have already been upgraded."
       I smiled in thanks and grabbed my bag from the overhead compartment, following the lady to our new seats.
        I helped to put Tim's bag up, and sat down in my new seat. It was one of those that you could fully recline back, kinda like a bed.
        I closed my eyes for a second, taking it all in, when someone cleared their throat, "Erhmm..."
        I blinked, adjusting my eyes. Olivia stood in the aisle, pillow hung on her neck and phone in one hand.
        "Hey!" I managed, surprised, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.
What was she doing here?
        Almost as if she were reading my mind, she said,  "My mom and I got upgraded too. You're in the way." She pointed to the seat directly beside me.
       I stumbled out of my chair and into the aisle, allowing her to get to her seat.
       She sat back in her seat, pulling a book out of her bag. She proceeded to open it up and start reading it, completely ignoring me in the process.
       I sighed, staring down at my hands.
       This was going to be a long flight.

Olivia's POV
I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole situation anymore. Here I was, sitting in first class, beside no one other than Joshua Basset himself.
I just needed a break, some time for myself.
Whenever he would ask me anything, trying to instigate a conversation, I would reply bluntly, ending that idea.
I felt bad, but like I said, I'm not sure how I felt about him anymore.
Let's be honest now, I never really knew how I felt about him.
It doesn't matter anymore whether he has a girlfriend or not, not sure which one myself. I flipped the page in my book.
I caught myself sneaking a look at him. He was slouched back in his seat after another failed attempt at talking to me.
Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he reached down for his bag. Grinning, he pulled out a Nintendo Switch.
       "You wanna play?" He asked, pointing the Switch at me.
       I bit my lip, trying to stifle a laugh.
       "I'm good thanks." I said, holding up my book.
       "Your loss... I have Mario Kart." He shrugged, smiling devilishly.
        He started playing, not saying anymore.
        He finished one race and looked to me once more, "I bet I could beat you."
        "Haha, no way." I said, looking up from my book for a second, "And no thanks."
         He blinked, "For lunch. When we land. If you know that you are going to win, what's the harm?"
        I surrendered, rolling my eyes, "Okay fine."
        He laughed, handing me a controller.
        We ended up playing best of three, though I won each game.
        What Joshua didn't know was that Madison and I were crazy about Mario Kart. Every single sleepover we had had consisted of a Mario Kart tournament.
         Playing with Josh was a breeze compared to Madison, who usually got quite agressive.
         "How?!" He stared blankly at the controller.
        I tried to look innocent, shrugging. I held out my hand, "Good game. I'm feeling really hungry today."
        He shook my hand laughing, "You won, guess I'm buying you lunch then."
       He stopped laughing, realizing that we were holding hands, again.
       Was he leaning in....
        "Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. Sorry for the delay. We are prepared to takeoff any minute now that the runway has been cleared. Please fasten your seatbelts." The intercom of the plane went off.
       We jumped apart from each other, Josh's arm hitting his arm rest.
       He turned away from me, his face red. He proceeded to fasten his seatbelt.
      I reluctantly turned away too, fastening my seatbelt.

Joshua's POV
  We definitely had a moment there, right?
      She started leaning in, I really thought...

     I looked to my Nintendo Switch gratefully. The only problem was that NOTHING happened.
     I'm just happy that she was finally started to lose her stiffness towards me, and we were becoming friends again.
      I glanced at Olivia, she was again immersed in her book, seatbelt now fastened.
      Suddenly I felt the plane begin to move, navigating towards the runway.
       The fasten seat belt signs came on, and the flight attendants began to run towards their appropriate seats.
       I always get nervous on plane trips, especially the takeoff.
      I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes trying to think of happier times.
       My hands, now white and clammy, clutched to the arm rests.
       I could hear my heart beating through my chest, a strong pounding, almost like a drum.
      I felt a cool hand lay on top of my own.
      I looked up to see Olivia, book down in her lap, a small smile on her face.
      Her thumb moved in small circles on my hand.
      Her fingers gave my hand a small squeeze.
      This was going to be a long flight, but for once, I didn't mind.

As always, leave a vote and comment and make sure you add this story to your reading list. I'll be updating more regularly now. Wherever you are... stay safe. Watch out for each other. Practice social distancing. Oh, and wash your hands :).

Stanficc xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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