5. Coasterphobia

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Hoseok landed on a soft mat in the middle of a giant room. He felt something crawl on his leg and he instantly jumped up and shook it off.

"W-what was that??" Hoseok asked himself.

He looked down and saw there were snakes, everywhere. Hoseok let out a scream and moved away from them and back onto the mat.

He then realized that there was only one snake actually awake. The door was across the floor.

Maybe I can make it without waking the other ones...

Hoseok took a deep breath and stepped off the mat again.

It's making my skin crawl...

The snakes were big and he had goosebumps. He was scared to even go near them.

He walked on his tip toes and as silently as he could.

Hoseok tried his best to stay quiet, but when he accidently touched one of the snakes near the door he let out a small scream.

The snakes in the room woke up to that and looked at him. Luckily he was at the door so he could just slip through.

When he got to the next room he let out a sigh of relief and slid down the door.

"Welcome, Hoseok, to your own personal panic room."


"You will spend 10 minutes on this ride. If you're not dead by the end of it, you will see your friends again."


At that, he felt himself being picked up. He struggled and fought but the person had a tight grip on him.

He was placed in a seat and his hands were tied to the bars.

"No..no please!!" Hoseok screamed.

The person just smirked at him and pressed the button to start the ride.

It was slow at first but it sped up quickly. Hoseok screamed so loud he thought people from America would hear him.

The poor boy was sobbing and screaming at the top of his lungs. He was only 3 minutes in, but it felt like 3 hours.

The rollercoaster had almost come to a complete stop but it was still moving very slowly. He braced himself and squeezed his eyes shut, as he knew what was coming next.

He heard the creaking of the coaster and he pictured it falling. This only made the tears fall more.

Suddenly, with no warning, the ride shot backwards and Hoseok was thrown into the bar in front of him. His chest was left in pain and he was screaming again.

Hoseok prayed it was almost over. He didnt know how much more he could take of this ride.

The ride then slowed and came to a stop. Hoseok was still in tears. So much so, he was coughing and couldnt see. He was untied and he heard the click of the door opening.

He got out of the ride and walked out the door. He tried to stop tears before he got to the others but they kept flowing.

"Hobi hyung. You're crying too! Why is everyone a mess when I see them!" Namjoon said hugging him.

"I'm fine..." hoseok said.

"Are you sure!? We heard you screaming!!"

"Yeah. Just...yeah.."

He looked at Jin who was sitting next to Yoongi on the floor.

"What happened to Yoongi hyung!?" Hoseok asked

"He passed out."

"Where's his shirt??"

Jin pointed into his room.

"Try going in there though. No surprise he passed out."

Hoseok walked near the room and was hit with a wave of heat. "Jesus- how long was he in there?"

"We're assuming 10 minutes but we're not certain." Namjoon answered.

Hoseok sat next to Yoongi and pulled the smaller into his lap and stroked his hair.

"This is insane..."

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