8. Ekrixiphobia

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Jungkook landed on a soft mad in the middle of a dark empty room. He wasted no time and got up to look around.

In front of him was a table with a microwave on it. Jungkook laughed.

"I'm scared of microwaves but is that really the best this "panic room" can do?" Jungkook mocked.

The microwave turned on and Jungkook took back his words.

Ok, that was a little weird but still, it's just a microwave. They don't blow up at home so why would they here?

Jungkook looked unphased. There was a door behind the microwave and table and he started to walk towards it. When he tried to open it he was shocked.

"Ow!" He pulled his hand away from the door knob.

"Welcome, Jungkook."


"I see you've noticed the microwave in the middle of the room."

"Yeah, its not very frighting."

"Its about to be. How did the microwave turn on without it being plugged in, Jungkook?"

"A battery??"

"Very good. And what do over charged and over heated batteries do?"

Jungkook thought for a minute then it hit him. His eyes widened and terror ran through him.

"Stop it."

"What do you mean stop it!?!?" Jungkook yelled. There was no answer.

Jungkook looked around for anything he could use to open the bottom of it so he could take out the battery, but there was no screwdriver, knife, or sharp item anywhere.

What if I break it?? Jungkook thought.

Jungkook took the appliance and slammed it on the table, bracing himself for the loud bang. 

The microwave broke open and Jungkook was able to see the black battery plugged in. He pulled it out and slammed it on the ground, snapping it.

There was a click and he turned around to see the door had opened. He walked through quickly.

In the next room was another big empty space with something in the middle. This time it was way bigger and more threating than a microwave.

Theres a bomb...

"Welcome, Jungkook, to your own personal panic room. You will spend 10 minutes in this room. If you are not blown up by the end of that time, you will see your friends again."

Jungkook started at the bomb in front of him with terror in his eyes.

It won't go off...it wont.

Jungkook kept repeating that to himself until he heard a boom from another room. He screamed and collapsed, swinging his hands to cover his ears.

The explosions started to come louder and closer at a faster pace. His heart was racing and he was on his knees with his eyes screwed shut and his ears covered. He tried his best to ignore it, but the fact that his bomb could be the next to go off still ran through his mind.

After what felt like hours, the explosions faded away to silence. Jungkook opened his eyes and slowly took his hands off his ears. He heard a click and the door on the other side of the bomb opened. He quickly got off his knees and ran out.

The room was so large he was out of breath by the time he actually got out of the room. He squeezed his eyes shut and caught his breath then opened them again and jumped when he saw a figure in front of him. He looked up and realised it was only Namjoon. He hugged his hyung tightly and his breathing regulated.

"You ok, Kookie?" Namjoon asked

Jungkook nodded.

"Yoongi hyung??" Jungkook asked looking at his hyung, unconcious in Hoseok's arms.

"He passed out when he left his room. Its bascially fire in there so we get why." Jin answered

"Jesus. Will he be ok?"

"He's just asleep now. His breathing has regulated and his temperature is back to normal. We don't wanna wake him up, just in case he starts feeling dizzy again. We'll let him wake up on his own." Hoseok answered.

Jungkook nodded. "What happened to his shirt?"

Namjoon shrugged. "Its in his room, we can see it from here. He must have taken it off cause of the heat but it's too hot to go in there now."

"Well, now that everyone's here what do we do?" Taehyung asked

There was then a voice.


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