alternate ending start - Chained

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This starts when Jimin is stuck in the water tank

Jimin felt the floor beneath him fall and he fell into a hole really deep and up to his knees in water.

The top of the hole closed and he was trapped inside. The top had little holes in it so he could breathe, but the water was rising so that wouldn't last long.

The others heard a blood-curdling scream and winced.

"Its ok, Jimin!" Hoseok called.

"This is great we lost a person for this." Yoongi mumbled.


This caused the six of them to move quickly. They tried again and stretched as much as they could to reach the key. Namjoon, thank god for his long arms, was able to reach it.

They hurried to get up and unlock the door.

They heard Jimin's muffled screaming and  knew the water had gone up past his neck. They all just prayed he could hold his breath long enough until he was let out.

Namjoon was fumbling with the key and Yoongi, having enough, snatched it from him and opened the door with ease.

The screaming from Jimin had stopped.

He was either unconcious or out of the box.

The six prayed it was the latter.

When the six got to the other room there was no sign of Jimin or the voice anywhere.

"Were we supposed to go get him-?" Hoseok asked

"He stopped screaming, Hoseok.." Yoongi said dully.

"Dont think like that, hyung!!" Jungkook yelled.

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm looking at the reality!" Yoongi screamed back.

"Guys, no, this isnt a time to fight. This place is clearly driving us insane and you guys aren't actually mad at each other." Namjoon said, getting in between the two before they started really fighting.

A door soon opened and they left the argument, running to it and looking around for Jimin. Their eyes widened when they saw him, trapped in the tank, unconscious and floating. They looked around for something to break the glass with, but there was nothing. After a few minutes, they stopped looking.
Jimin was gone.

Jungkook stood there, shaking and quiet. Hoseok went to comfort him and as soon as Jungkook was in his arms, he broke down screaming and sobbing. "He cant be gone he cant be gone!" He yelled over and over and Namjoon shook his head.

They were all crying as they looked at Jimin's lifeless body, floating still gracefully in the water. "Its ok, we have to keep going. He'd want us to survive." Namjoon said, taking the leader role and everyone nodded, agreeing with him.

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