7. Acrophobia

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Taehyung watched in horror as the floor beneath each one of his friends dropped.

How far did they drop!? Are they gonna be ok!?!

The floor beneath him then started to separate. He backed up against a wall so he didn't fall through. Luckily, the floor stopped separating at a certain point.

In the middle was a single beam leading the side he was on, and the door.

There is no way I have to walk across this thing- Taehyung thought.

Taehyung looked down, which was probably the worst thing he could have done, as the floor beneath him was long gone and it seemed like a long way down.

Stay trapped here or have the chance of plummeting to your death...?

Taehyung looked at his choices. Both very scary. He decided that the best choice would be to face his fears.

Hell raising. Hair raising. I'm ready for the worst...

Taehyung took a deep and shaky breath and prepared for what could happen. When he was ready he stepped off the safety of the larger ledge and onto the skinny bridge.

To get across he would have to maintain his balance and put one foot in front of the other. He was terrified, but he didnt let the fear get the best of him.

Dont look down. Dont look down. Dont look down.

He kept his head up and focused on the door. It was so close...until he did something dumb.

He looked down.

He looked down to make sure he wasn't going to miss the next step and fall, but that was a bad idea, as he was now stuck in the place he was in. His fear froze him in place.

You have to move, Tae. The others are waiting for you.

He tried to convince himself to move but it didnt work. His legs were in the spot they were in.

He inhaled deeply and let out a shaky breath.

You can do this. You're Kim Taehyung, you dont get scared.

He finally was able to move his feet again. He kept his head up until he got to the end. He held onto the door knob before opening the door.

When he was ready he shut his eyes and opened the door. He slowly walked out. As soon as he was out the door shut behind him and he  opened his eyes. He was standing on a roof outside.

He let out a scream. There were no people outside, just a long way down.

"Welcome, Taehyung, to your own personal panic room. You will stay on this small roof for a total of 10 minutes. If you dont fall off within that time frame, you will see your friends again."

Taehyung sat with his back against the door and put his head in his hands. He was freaking out now.

10 minutes of being this high up!?

He did his best to calm himself down but he was truly out of it.

The worst part is, he wouldnt know if the members are even actually ok. The voice might have been lying to him and the 6 actually hadn't survived the fall.

Taehyung felt tears fall onto his hands and he didn't even try to stop them.

What did we do to get into this mess...?

After the 10 minutes had passed Taehyung was pulled back into the room he had left and the floor beneath him dropped.

He screamed but it was cut off by the thud of landing on a soft mat in the middle of a room with a bunch of doors.

"And thats what I was afraid of happening..." he mumbled to himself and sat up. He looked around and saw his friends staring at him, well four of them at least...

"HYUNGS!!" He exclaimed.

He hurried his way off the mat to hug his friends.

"Yoongi hyung-?"

"Passed out. His room was very hot." Namjoon answered and pointed to the red lighted room.


"Not here yet." Jin answered.

"I hope they're ok..." taehyung said.

"Yoongi's fine he's basically just asleep now. His body isnt as warm anymore and his breathing regulated." Hoseok who was holding him informed.

"What about Kook?"

"We dont know... "

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