12. Hide And Seek

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"As you have noticed, your friend, Jimin, is missing."

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HIM!?" Jungkook screamed.

Taehyung grabbed his shoulder to calm him down.

"I did as you would want. I took him out of the water. However, there is a slight problem. I only did this about 2 minutes ago and most likely, his lungs had already started filling with water. I would suggest you find him and get that water out of him before he suffocates."

The voice cut out and the six were left their to think.

The room was big with 2 doors. There was no where to hide a person in  the room the group was so they assumed he would have to be in one of the other rooms.

"Ok, I know this is a stupid idea, but we should split up." Namjoon said.

"3 of us in each room?" Jin pointed to doors.

Namjoon nodded.

"I'll go with Yoongi and Hobi. You wanna go with Tae and Kook?" Namjoon said.

Jin nodded and the two groups went their separate ways to find Jimin.


Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were about to give up searching. There was nothing in the room they were searching and there were no doors. They checked the walls for secret doors or for any levers but they found it hopeless.

The three were about to leave and hope that the three others had some luck until Hoseok noticed something on the floor.

He moved it over the floorboard and there was Jimin laying face up in a box.

"I FOUND HIM!" Hoseok yelled to the two.

They pulled him out and Namjoon checked his breathing.

He wasnt breathing but there was a pulse.

"At least he's alive." Yoongi said

"I know CPR." Namjoon said, beginning the process.

Yoongi and Hoseok stepped back and let Namjoon take the lead.

After a few minutes, Jimin coughed out the remaining water and sucked in a breath.

"Jimin-ah!" Hoseok yelled, hugging the younger.

Jimin coughed again and regained his breath and stood up. He seemed a little shaky but he didnt say anything.

The four of them left the room to find the other three waiting there.

"Oh, you're okay!" Jin yelled hugging Jimin.

"HYUNG!!" Jungkook screamed and jumped on the older hugging him tightly.

"I was so worried."

"I'm alright." Jimin said

"Well done. You found him. But our game of hide and seek has only just begun."

Yoongi and Hoseok screamed and were gone. They had been dropped through the floor and were now lost.

"Find them."

The voice cut out and the floor shook. The group huddled together and squeezed their eyes tightly, terrified for what was coming next.

When the shaking stopped the 5 looked around and saw a new door had appeared.

"That must lead to where they are." Jin said.

"Thank you, caption obvious..." Jimin mumbled.

The five headed through the door quickly. The door lead to another room. The room had 7 doors.

"You five will have 10 minutes to search these rooms and find Yoongi and Hoseok. The two are in the same room. If you dont find them in 10 minutes they will die in the way their fears will kill them. Again, you five have the option to leave. The door on the very right leads to the exit. Choose to leave if you like. 10 minutes starts now."

The voice cut out and the five thought.

"Everyone check one door. The chance of them being in the one we dont check is low." Namjoon said.

Everyone went to a door.

Except Jimin.

Jimin stood in the middle of the room with his head down.

"Jimin-ah-" Jin started, but stopped himself. He would let Jimin decide what he would do.

"I almost died in this place. I love Hoseok and Yoongi hyung...but..."

"Jimin, no. You cant leave!" Jungkook said.

"We're going to die here!!!" Jimin yelled.

"Would you really rather let Hoseok and Yoongi hyung die to save yourself?" Taehyung asked

Jimin didnt answer. He kept his head down.

"I'm going." Jungkook said, opening his door and going in without hesitation.

"Me too." Taehyung said doing the same.

Jin and Namjoon followed leaving Jimin to think for himself.

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