chapter 19

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Darcy's POV

I couldn't believe it. it just wasn't possible how could charles be here, in Lawerence? he turns around and I realize I said his name loud. His expression turns to that of surprise as soon as he sees me. I smile and he reciprocates. I walk towards him as cooly as I can.

"H-Hey, What are you doing here? I mean, not that I have a problem b-but its just that I wasn't expecting you here" Dammit why am I so anti-social? I'm horrible at receiving surprises. Damn home schooling.

"Hey kiddo, nice to see you too" He laughs shaking his head. The conversation is followed by awkard silence. He stares at me like he has seen me for the fist time. Admiringly.

"I'm so sorry that I never came to meet you after your mothers death. I'm very sorry, Darcy" He says sounding sincere.

I am just about to respond when I hera a slam behind me and there is Davis (why does he magically appear everywhere I go?) leaning against the wall for support with a grim expression.

"what's happening here?" He asks us sceptically.


Why does he care anyway?

I raise my my eyebrows at him. He's just so rude. He dosent even know charles. Wonder what impression that might be giving him. He looks directly at charles and I stare at them from one another. Charles pleasent expression changes quickly to pain and he looks at the ground.

Whoa. Wait. No seriously what is happening?

I vociferate my question and davis looks at charles again.

"care to explain, father?" he says the last word with much venom. Holy crap. This cant be happening. I say the first thing which comes to my mind.

"you were the one I used to play with. When we were little. You knew my mom." I say. Tears threaten at the mention of my mother. But neither of them notice. He dosent seem surpriced.

"Of course I knew" He says with concern in his eyes. He directs his murderous glare back at him.

"When did you get here?" He asks charles rather rudely.

"I'll leave you two, I'll see you later Charles" I say at hug him tightly. He noddes but his face remains expressionless. They continue to look to look at each other, waiting for me to leave.

I go back at my table to sit with hazel and zoe.

"Who was he?" Zoë asks me.

"My mom's beat friend aka my long lost uncle." I say frowning."Just found out that davis was his son. Could this day get any bad?"

Zoë and hazel start laughing. "That was actually dramatic.. anyway lets go shopping, I am free after lunch" Zoë says.

"Yea.. we sould go shopping" hazel says nodding and eating at the same time.

"No guys.. I have to call my father." I lie putting on a bored expression. I get up hoping to catch a word with Charles before he leaves. I scan the whole canteen but neither davis nor charkes are nowhere to be seen. so I head towards the dorm.

How can davis be his son? Charles never mentioned him when he used to visit mum. They seemed to have been fighting- I think. Maybe I should call dad. If he dosent call me that dosent mean that I shoudnt call him. But whenever I call him, he always seems to be busy.. or usually cuts my calls inspite of calling 2-3 times. sometimes I wonder that he always wanted to get rid of me like I was a burden that he couldnt bear. I love him of course.. but I cant help but wonder that since mom died that he wanted to start over his life with his family which did not include me. He was most happy when I was going to go to Lawrence. Will is the only one who kept me happy back at home. Of course he understands what I feel but he too loves dad ignore the facts. I hear deep voices that distracts me from my thoughts..that come from a empty classrooms which are unmistakely of davis and chares. Curiosity gets better of me and get close enough to hear them-

"So are you seriously denying that you didnt kill her even after all this time? Do you even know Darcy? She is so innocent and sweet. You don't even deserve to know her after what you have done. Did you even notice her crying after she mentioned Liz?!?" my hand flies to my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Charles had killed someone.

"I never killed her davis.. I dont care what other people think but I dont want you to think that I illed her after all this time. "

"Dont you lie to me! She was like a mother to me till you made sure that I couldn't see her. Isn't it enough that you beacame the head of the Firm??! You know you can't hurt Darcy while I'm still here!!" He says the words in a deadly whisper.

"I loved her Davis. I loved Liz." he says with his voice breaking.

"Could you lie anymore?" He says with a bark.

A sob escapes my mouth and they abruptly stop talking. I didnt even notice that i was crying. I start to run. away from there. I couldn't even listen to them even if I wanted to. Unknowingly I turn from the corner and my feet carry me towards my dorm. I hear Davis calling my name but I keep running till I reach my dorm and lock myself inside. I crash on my bed and start crying as the world comes crashing down. I hear davis banging the door.

I continue to sob on the pillow with my head buried. I hear Davis banging on the door.

"Go away" I scream.

"Darcy please open the door so I can come in and explain." He says patiently.

"Go away or I'll call the cops!!" I scream more violently. I hear him bang his fist on the door and walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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