Chapter 21

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Elsas pov.
I wake up to yelling. "I won't let you hurt her" I hear jack yell. My eyes widen. I see jack blast pitch with ice. I see him block it. Then I see pitch blast jack in the heart. "No" I yell. I see jack fall down and pitch look at me. "Elsa your up" he says and smirks I see him walk to my cage and open it. He grabs me by my arm and drags me and makes me stand in front of me. I see him chain jacks feet together and puts him in front of me on his knees. I see Jack look up at me. "Kill him" pitch says. My eyes widen "what" I say and look at pitch.
"Kill him" he says. I look at jack I see his eyes are watered with tears. I put my hand on his chest. I feel his heartbeat. "Kill him" pitch yells. I look into jacks eyes. "I know what I have to do" I say. I look at pitch and blast him with my magic. I see it hit him.
I see him hold his chest. "You foolish child" he says. I suddenly see his nightmares com in with Anna. "Anna" I yell. I see her look up. I see pitch grab her by her arm and make her stand in front of him. I see she looks so sad.
I see her look into my eyes. "Elsa...your alive" she says. I see her look at pitch. "You...your the guy who took over my kingdom." I see her pull her dagger out of her pocket. "No one takes my kingdom" Anna says. And try's to stab him.
I see him blast Anna with his black sand. "No" I yell run to Anna. " please" I say and look at her. I see her look at me and smile weakly. "Thank you" she says. I feel tears run down my face. I feel my blood boil. I turn around and see pitch smirking at me.
"You killed her" I yell and blast my magic at him.
I see him smirk as he blocks it. "I told you I will take the kingdom" he says. I feel that strange feeling again. "You said you wouldn't hurt them" I yell. "I lie" he says. I feel the feeling get stronger. I look down. I see my dress turning black. I hear pitch laugh. "Let your powers grown Elsa become your true self. I see the dress become all black. I smirk.
Jacks pov.
I watch as Elsa smirk at pitch and her waves her hand and her hair goes into a braid. I see her walk to pitch. "Elsa What are you doing." I say. I see her look at me. My eyes widen. I see her eyes are gold. " don't let the fear take over" I say. I see her walk to me. "This is who I am jack" she says. "No Elsa your not like this"I say. I feel her make me stand up. "How would you know Jack" she says. "Because the Elsa I know would never hurt anyone" I say. I hear her laugh. "You don't know me Jackson" she says and smirks.
"But I know everything I need to know about you" she says. "You do" I ask. "I do you killed your family you hated them you got told you were a freak so much you killed them" she says. Suddenly I hear the voices.
"Freak" "monster" "loser" "witch" "irreparable" "we should have never have trusted you" "you failed us" "not loved" I scream. "No you don't know me" I yell at her. I see her look into my eyes. "Accept it jack your just like me your a monster" she says. "No elsa I'm not and neither are you" I say. I hear pitch scream. I look behind me. I see him freezing. "No what's happening" Elsa ask. "You struck him" I say. I see her look at me. "No! I didn't mean to" she says. I feel the ground shaking. "Elsa" I look down at her. I see her look at me. "Come with me we can save the kingdom" I say and put my hand out. "I see her look at it then me. "Please" I say softly.i see her hesitate but put her hand in mine gently. I grab my staff and grab Elsas waist and fly out to Arendelle. I see the huge black cloud getting smaller. I see Anna run out. "Anna" I hear Elsa say in relief. "Elsa your back" she says. "Anna what happened to the kingdom" Elsa says and looks around. "It was pitch he put a kind of spell on the kingdom he made us all lose hope" Anna says. I see Elsa hug Anna. "I'm so sorry" Elsa says. I see Anna smile. "It okay" she says. I see Anna look at me. "Jack what happened" she ask. "What" I ask. "I see Elsa look at me and gasp. "Your bleeding" she says.
"That can't..happen" I say as I look down and see I'm bleeding we're my ribs are. "How is this happening" I ask. I feel Elsa take my hand. "I have to fix you" she says. I chuckle. "But it doesn't.." I groan in pain. "Stop lying Jackson I have to help you" she says as we walk into her room. "Isn't the nurses supposed to help me" I ask. I see her blush. "Are you jealous" I say. I see her glare at me. "Just sit" she says and point at her bed. I sit on the edge and see her walk into her bathroom then come out with a first aid...

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