Chapter 23

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Elsas pov.
Jack had to go attend some guardian duty's so he won't be back for a while so I'm just walking around ahtohalla.
I turn and look at all the memories.
"Hey Anna" I hear Jack say. I turn around and see it's jack and Anna but Anna is young.
"Jackie your back" Anna says.
I see Anna hug jack.
"Yeah" he says and chuckles. I see them let go and Anna look upset. "What's wrong princess" he ask. "It's Elsa she still won't come out" Anna says. "She must have a reason" jack says.
"No mother and father always avoid the question and Elsa never eats with us, did I do something wrong Jackie" she ask.
"Of course not" he says...
I see the memory stop.
"They knew each other" I say to my self.
"That's how she recognized him" I smile.
I look at other memories and smile at them.
"JACK WATCH OUT" I hear someone yell.
I turn and see jack get hit but something.
I see him fall. My eyes widen. I see bunny and sandy run to him.
"Mate are you all right" bunny ask.
"Yeah" jack says and groans.
I see him try to get up but is in pain.
"Mate we need to get you back to the shop you'll be safe there no one else
Needs to get hurt" bunny says. I see jack nod and grab on to his staff. "Wind take me to the shop" he says. I see bunny turn towards tooth. "What about Elsa" tooth ask. "She doesn't need to know right now she has her own duty's" bunny says.
My breathing get heavy.
I stay still for a while.
"Will he come back here" I ask. "Will he tell me what happen by him self" I ask.
I fell all these questions fill my head.
"No" I say.
"F.E.A.R. is just something you make it Elsa jack will be alright" I say to myself.
I take a deep breath and walk out to nokk.
I see him get down and I get on him.
"To Arendelle" I tell him.

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