chapter 8: attention

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"COME HERE, MAPLESHADE," Oakstar commanded.

On legs that seemed to be made of stone, Mapleshade walked forward until she was standing in the centre of the clearing. "What is it, Oakstar?"

The dark brown tom twitched the tip of his tail. "Who is the father of your kits?" he asked. "Tell the truth!"

Before Mapleshade could speak, there was a flurry of golden spotted fur beside her. Frecklewish pushed past a cluster of warriors and joined Mapleshade below Highrock. "We know it's Birchface!" she called up to her father. "Why are you asking this?"

"I want Mapleshade to tell us herself," Oakstar mewed, his voice soft with menace. "She let me believe that my son, Birchface, was their father. I cannot imagine that one of my warriors would dare to tell such a lie."

Mapleshade shifted her weight onto her hind paws so that she could hold the leader's gaze. "Any Clan would be proud to have these kits grow up to serve them," she declared.

"Even if they knew they were half-clan? Or is it quarter-clan?" Ravenwing meowed. "We deserve to know the truth, Mapleshade. The cat that murdered Bloomheart is their father, isn't he?"

For a moment, the whole forest seemed to hold its breath. Then there was a screech of pure horror and Frecklewish launched herself at Mapleshade. "Is this true?" she yowled, clawing at Mapleshade's face. "What have you done?"

Mapleshade stumbled backward. "Stop!" she gasped. She tried to raise her forepaws to shield herself but Frecklewish had pinned her down.

Suddenly, the weight was lifted from Mapleshade's belly and she opened her eyes to see the she-cat being hauled away by Beetail and Seedpelt. Mapleshade staggered to her paws. Blood pooled in her eye from a torn eyelid, and her cheek stung from a well-aimed blow. All around her, the cats hissed and muttered.

Frecklewish shook of the warriors and glared at Mapleshade. "You have betrayed my brother's name!" she spat. "You have betrayed us all with your lies and your disloyalty. You don't deserve to be called a warrior and nor to those... those quarter-clan monsters!" She curled her lip toward the six kits, who cowered beneath the ferns. "Their father killed Bloomheart, and I know he killed that RiverClan cat, Reedshine, too! He killed three of those rogues! He's a murderer! Get them out of here!"

Mapleshade shook scarlet droplets onto the grass. "Why does it matter who their father is?" she demanded furiously. "I have given ThunderClan three fine kits. I am a queen and I should be treated with respect. StarClan knows we need more warriors, and here they are!"

Have my Clanmates gone mad, that they would turn against me like this?

Oakstar bounded down from Highrock and stood in front of her. His yellow eyes gleamed with hatred and he thrust his head forward until his breath blew hotly on Mapleshade's muzzle. "Have you forgotten my best-friend and your mentor? Of all cats, it had to the one who killed your Clanmate! You can't possibly expect my forgiveness." He stepped back and raised his head. "You have betrayed the warrior code and lied to your Clanmates. We will not raise these kits within the walls of our camp, nor the boundaries of our territory. Take them and leave. You are no longer a warrior of ThunderClan."

Mapleshade stumbled backward. "You can't mean that! These kits belong to ThunderClan! You have to let us stay!"

Oakstar shook his head. "No. I do not." He gazed around at the Clan. "Ravenwing told me about an omen he received. A mysterious stream of water that washed away six pieces of reed and how six frogs stumbled into his den. Reeds and frogs don't belong in our territory, and certainly not in the heart of our camp. These kits will bring nothing but danger!"

"Get rid of them!" screeched Frecklewish. "Drive them out!"

"Oakstar's right, they don't belong here," growled Seedpelt. "Bloomheart was your mentor! And you chose to be mates with a cat who killed him? I am ashamed of you!"

"You know I would never betray my Clan, Seedpelt!"

"You already have," he gruffly replied and Mapleshade felt her heart, break into pieces.

"I will never forget this," she hissed, slowly turning to glare at each one of her former Clanmates. "You have betrayed me and my kits. You will live to regret this day forever, ThunderClan, and that is a promise." She stalked over to her kits and swept her tail around them. "This is no longer our home," she told them. "Come."

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