chapter 13: apple doesn't fall far

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WHEN THEY RETURNED to Fourtrees, Redriver and Mapleshade were toppled over by their five-moon-old kits, who happily greeted them home. It was only now Mapleshade realised that they were getting big enough for training and knew she had to teach them everything she knew. Mapleshade was also certain Redriver would do the same.

Acornleaf trotted out of the den. Despite her old age, she was still energetic. Though, her eyes held great remorse, yet, understanding.

As the kits tumbled away, playfighting around the clearing, Acornleaf leaned toward them. "Is it done, then?" she asked.

Redriver nodded. "Yes. Frecklewish will most likely be dead by morning."

Acornleaf nodded and turned to watch the kits play.

Mapleshade felt warmth inside her heart. She remembered when she and her own littermates would play, and how Acornleaf would watch from the nursery. Sadly, Mapleshade's littermates, Hawkpaw and Creampaw, died of Greencough before they could even become warriors. In their honour, Oakstar named them Hawkclaw and Creamfrost, so they could join StarClan as warriors.

Mapleshade noticed Redriver padding out of the clearing and toward RiverClan territory. Acornleaf went back inside the den to rest and Mapleshade turned to watch her kits play. Even Patchkit was playing, batting the ball of moss around, avoiding his siblings.

She felt proud of her precious bundles.

The next morning, Mapleshade woke up to Redriver prodding her shoulder with his paw. "Get up, Mapleshade. It's time."

Mapleshade knew what he was talking about. She had to kill Appledusk. Redriver explained it was because the tom was getting too suspicious. Appledusk was convinced that Mapleshade had something to do with Reedshine's death and might want to avenge her. Redriver couldn't risk his mate's life.

So they had to kill Appledusk for their family's safety.

And Mapleshade had to be the one to do it.

Full of determination, Mapleshade stretched awake and gulped down a shrew from the pile.

Redriver peeked into the second part of the den and nodded his head when he saw Acornleaf curled around his kits as they all slept.

Acornleaf blinked open her eyes and looked at him questionably.

"I have a strong feeling," Redriver meowed. "I think you need to take the kits to the abandoned barn across WindClan territory. Can you do that?"

Acornleaf nodded. "What do I tell a WindClan patrol if I come across one?"

"That you're just passing through," he replied. "If they recognise you, just say you're passing through to go to Twolegplace."

Acornleaf nodded, gathered the kits and padded out of the clearing.

Redriver ducked out of the entry and looked at Mapleshade. "Let's go."

The ginger-and-white she-cat shivered and she didn't know whether it was excitement or uncertainty. They leaped out of the Gathering hollow and behind them, lightning flashed above the trees. They reached the river and picked their way upstream along the ban. There was a ridge of little stones stretching across the river down here – she had used them to cross and meet Appledusk on the other side once when they were just beginning to see each other.

There was no way Mapleshade could swim across the river like her mate, but she could wade if she had to.

As Redriver merged into the water, not even shivering or flinching at its ice-cold touch, Mapleshade waded in, her paws pressing on the stones beneath the water. She shuddered at the freezing water. She forced her legs through the current, feeling the water tug against her and splash her flanks.

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