Ch. 4 "Fucking Ninjas?"

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The next night I'm sitting in my living room with my legs thrown over the arm of my recliner. I have Rocky horror picture show on and I'm enjoying a peaceful me night. Suddenly my phone starts ringing and I pause my movie.

I sigh as I pick it up and answer it, "Yo."

"I-is this Siren?" A timid voice asks. "Do I have the right number?"

"How can I help you chika?" I ask as I look at the time, 9:25 pm.

"T-thank god," she says, "I've been trying to find you for a few days now... can you meet me somewhere safe..?"

"Meet me at Mooney's Club in 20 minutes," I tell her, "ask to be seated at table 27."

"Y-yes ma'am." She says and I hang up the phone.

I smile as I go to the chest at the end of my bed to get my gear, looks like I got a job. So much for a quiet me night.


9:46 pm I'm looking at the table I specified and there's a girl sitting there. Her face is bruised and busted to hell and back. Bruises and cuts also cover a good amount of her skin that's showing.

I sit down across from her and she looks at me in shock. I smile knowingly at her, "yeah sorry it's better if you don't know my face. I'm sure you understand."

She nods, "I-I'm sorry, I was actually thinking how badass and tough you look. I wish I was like you."

I chuckle, "yeah I can see why. So is my target who did all that?"

She nods, "My husband. The police were unable to punish him for this due to his high standing in town. I was hoping you'd be able to help me. He said the next time he saw me, I'd be dead."

I lean forward, "I promise you dear, he won't be seeing you again. Now tell me everything I need to know."


10:50 and I'm crouched on a high wall surrounding a house and garden. Underneath me a fancy party is going on. I scan all the faces and my target is not among them. I narrow my eyes, he must be inside.

I creep across the wall gracefully as I make my way toward the house. The shadows of the night hiding me perfectly from the unknowing people beneath me. A solemn song being played on a piano adding the perfect touch to what will soon occur.

I get towards the edge of the house and leap towards an open window. I catch the windowsill easily and pull myself in. I look around as my eyes adjust to the dark perfectly. The room I'm in is fancy and well decorated with a big soft looking bed. It seems to be unused though so I assume it's a guest room.

I quietly and quickly cross the room to the door. I crack it open and peer out. The hall is dark and quiet so I carefully step out and close the door behind me. Careful to not make a sound. I creep through the shadows as if I'm one myself, even if I was unable to complete my training, it's in my blood.

I hear voices and I edge towards an archway in the wall I peer out of it and see its a balcony and staircase overlooking a large library. Luckily the balcony is cloaked in shadows. I creep out and gaze over the banister to see the men down below. My target is among them, and so I scan the other faces until my gaze falls on....

Mr. Smiles. What is he doing here? What business does he have at this piece of shit's residence? The men around my target, and my target himself, are looking at him clearly unnerved. Mr. Smiles doesn't seem to mind though.

"W-why are you here?!" My target tries to demand, but ends up sounding as scared as he looks.

Mr. Smiles smirks as he runs his hand across the table between them. "Is this mahogany? It looks like mahogany."

"Listen, Mr. London is a busy man," one of the men standing around my target, Mr. London, snaps.

Mr. Smiles simply and quickly pulls out a gun and shoots the man who spoke in the forehead.  He falls to the ground dead and the others all back up and stand behind Mr. London instead.

"Well now," Mr. Smiles says calmly, "are you still busy?"

Mr. London shakes his head, and I watch in fascination. So Mr. Smiles is a killer? Hmm. Explains a lot actually.

"Mr. Falcone is not happy with you," Mr. Smiles says with a shrug, "you see there has been a lot of bad things about you in the news. Mr. Falcone feels the need to redraw his support for your business and his protection. He doesn't want the flack you're going to receive coming his way."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Mr. London Shouts. "I need him more then ever now! What if that bitch sends Siren my way?"

Mr. Smiles shrugs, "Tsk, should've thought about that before you got cocky and thought you could do as you like with no repercussions."

I narrow my eyes at my target, that bitch? How dare he call her that after what he's done! I flick my hand and catch the shuriken that appears, it's time to complete my mission.

I aim and throw the shuriken with ease and watch as it soars right into its mark. Mr. London's forehead. The entire room goes into chaos as the man falls to the ground dead. The men who surrounded him pull out guns and search for me.

"A ninja star?!" One exclaims in disbelief, "what the fuck??"

Mr. Smiles glances up at me and smirks. I grit my teeth, has he known I was here the entire time?

Victor's POV

"There! On the balcony!" One of former Mr. London's guards shout.

By the time they make it up the stairs the person is gone, as if evaporated into the shadows themselves. I smirk as I look at them man I came to see for Falcone. His eyes open in a blank stare. Looks like Falcone definitely won't have to worry about him now.

Many questions fill my mind as the guards frantically search for someone who is clearly no longer here. Was that Siren, who I've been hearing so much about? Is it the girl I saw in Mooney's club? Or was she just a coincidence.

"What the hell Zsasz?" A guard demands as they storm up to me, "fucking ninjas? When did Falcone or you enlist Ninjas?? Since when are ninjas real?"

I roll my eyes, "Ninjas have always been real, you should really check history. They normally aren't modern though. Sorry to break it to you, but she wasn't one of Falcone's people. Nor is she one of mine. Well looks like I'm no longer needed to give a message to Mr. London. Toodles."

I take my leave while still thinking of the girl on the balcony. Though her entire identity was hidden, her movements suggested female. She is definitely as intriguing as I first imagined. Now to find out her real identity. I feel my search is close to its end.

1228 words! WHOOP WHOOP HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS CHAPTER AND HAVE AS MUCH FUN READING IT AS I HAD WRITING IT!! RayRay146396 Thank you for the advice about the breaking into the house XD I know I didn't do exactly what you said but I took what you said and thought about it and came up with this!

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