Chapter 26

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A week since their slight disagreement, Vegeta had booked a couple of nights away to celebrate his husbands birthday early. He had done some shopping leaving Goku to help with packing Gohan's bag to stay over Bardock's. Of course - guarantee he'd have to repack their sons bag, as no doubt his darling husband would pack last minute and probably forget the essentials. On arriving home, he peeped his head through the living room door seeing his husband and son on the console. He casually strolled to the dinning area placing the shopping bags on the table whilst taking off his jacket.

Gohan wandered into the room and glanced at one particular bag that stood out from the rest."What's in the bag?" he arched a brow in curiosity whilst pointing directly at the plain black carrier bag.

Vegeta spun on his heel and gaped at the bag his son was pointing at. "Something I've bought for your dad, not anything for you,"he cleared his throat as he hung his jacket, trying to hide the fact his cheeks were now glowing red.

Gohan let out a sigh, thanks to his fathers reaction he instantly knew what kind of item was in the bag. "you bought a sex toy," he leaned over the table to take a glance inside, because what more weird toys does his parents need?

"Absolutely not, just don't look in there!" he quickly snatched the bag away, his face turning crimson. "That's not something you should know either!" he shook his head at his son. How dare his son know about such wonderful toys, he shouldn't even know what sex is. He gulped at the thought of when his son does reach that mature age, oh fuck no would he be ready for such a talk.

Gohan took a seat at the dinning table, steepling his fingers whilst resting his feet on the table. "So I'm staying over grandpa Bardock's for you and dad to have sex away? Wouldn't it be cheaper if you just stayed home for that?"

"You mean we have cuddles that sometimes involves our clothes off," he tapped Gohan's feet off the table.

"I know what sex is!"

"We need a short time away from being parents, we are just going to spend that time as a couple," Vegeta coughed grabbing the bag and avoided his sons raised brows.

"In other words, have sex." Gohan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Gohan, no that's not what I meant at all," Vegeta swallowed hard feeling a slight restriction in his throat, damn was this child not buying his bullfuckery. he tugged at the collar of his top as his son raised a brow over at him watching as his whole face was now red in embarrassment.

"Sure," Gohan gave his father a deadpan expression.

Vegeta smiled slightly at his son before heading into the living room, he looked over at Goku with a tight lipped smile. "You got everything packed for him staying at your parents?" in other words, how soon can they drop their darling son at his grandparents.

Goku's eyes widened in realisation as he had remembered what it was Vegeta had asked him to do when he was out. "Um...of course," he tittered whilst casually strolling past Vegeta, soon as he thought Vegeta wasn't looking, he ran towards Gohan's room to start packing.

"Should of known," Vegeta sighed as he started to storm in the direction his husband had ran off. Serves him right for trusting his husband to pack their son's bag.

After packing his son's bag, the pair happily dropped Gohan off at his grandparents. Bardock was handed a list of what Gohan can or can't have, he gave the couple a lopsided grin awaiting for them to drive off before throwing the list away.

The two arrived at the hotel, they done some fondling and making out in the room- because that's just something they enjoyed doing in any opportunity they had together. They then had a three course meal at the restaurant, the two were tempted to find a quiet spot to do hand jobs. Fuck were they so horny, it had been a while that they could spend some alone time together without looking after their children. Afterwards the two raced each other to the bedroom, Goku had managed to make it to the room first. He chuckled to himself and awaited for Vegeta to walk in. A few minutes later Vegeta stormed in whilst Goku was sat watching tv.

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