Chapter 36.

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"Why are we even going to this place?" Vegeta groaned whilst massaging his temples. He planned to spend his day off work just lounging about, not to be sat in the car with his family travelling to some fun fair. He was still recovering from injuring his back yesterday.

"Because my dad left us some tickets to go here?" Goku shrugged.

"Right, and why are we bringing Goten with us?" he arched a brow looking over his shoulder at Goten babbling away in his car seat. Just what exactly could they do to keep a baby entertained at such place?

"Uh...Chichi asked if we could have him for a few hours."

"Let me guess, so she could have sex with my-" he cleared his throat feeling bile rising just of the thought. "With my brother in peace?" his face grimaced as he had continued such lewd question.

"Oh, so now you say the word sex?" Gohan raised a brow at his father whilst folding his arms.

Vegeta let out a cough glancing at Goku who was concentration on his driving, than to correct their innocent son. He rolled his eyes and glanced over his shoulder lovingly at their son. "I meant naked cuddles."

Gohan sighed rolling his eyes and glanced out the window, as his father changed his glance over to his baby brother feeling confident Gohan believed what he said.

"Aw Vegeta, I know you enjoy spending time with Goten too," Goku chirped as he had caught a glimpse of Vegeta glaring over Goten.

"When he's not shitting or throwing up on the new outfits I bought him," he huffed as Goten had thrown up some of his feed on the outfit he hadn't long bought, and dressed him in. Curse that adorable bastard. He scrunched his brows seeing a glass jar with the words 'swear jar' shake in front of him. "Wait, we have one in the car too?" he let out a small grunt as he went into his wallet to grab some loose change.

"Yep, dad suggested it as it's where most the swearing happens," Gohan smiled watching his father place some coins in the jar, before placing it next to him.

"Kakarot, what do you mean by that?" Vegeta scrunched his nose up whilst putting his wallet away.  No way do they swear so much, especially in the car, that's some bull fuckery right there.

"Babe, you and I both know what we are like during car journeys, even Gohan can confirm."

"We are not that bad," he raised his brow shaking his head with a slight chuckle. Nope, no way were they that bad, he was certain of it.

Gohan sighed and leaned forward glancing at his parents. "The time the old lady took the parking spot you guys wanted?"

Vegeta quirked a brow as he turned his head to the side to face Gohan, "What about it?"

"You threatened to hand deliver her to Satan himself alongside some other colourful words that I won't repeat..." Gohan sighed hearing his dad chortle at his father, as if he was some sort of saint in comparison. "I don't know why you are laughing dad, you are just as bad as him. Remember when we were behind slow moving traffic, and you started to shout out colourful words?"

"Uh...which time?" Goku smiled nervously at Gohan through the rear view mirror.

"The one where you made a remark that if they moved any slower, we'd end up going to our own funeral or something along those lines?....we were behind a hearse."

"Oh," Goku let out a small titter whilst his eldest facepalmed.

"And I missed this?...dammit," Vegeta pouted crossing his arms. He found his husband even more sexy when he was pissed off, and now he felt left out for missing such outburst.

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