Chapter 44

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Vegeta slumped down on the sofa after returning home from a monotonous day in work. Tired from the bullfuckery at work he was glad to be finally home. Now he just had to wait for his husband to return home from the school run, and more than likely pester him for sex as per usual. Slowly his eyes started to close, he drew in a sharp breath mentally prepping himself for when his husband returned home with their kids. A loud slam came from the front door, yep, the husband and kids have returned. Vegeta pursed his lips awaiting for them to traipse into the living room. Was it bad for him to admit that he honestly couldn't be bothered to listen about their day? he was tired from working dammit. He raised a brow over at Gohan who looked just as he was feeling.

"What's wrong with you?" Vegeta groaned and started to massage his temples.

"My teacher is being a thirsty bitch, keeps nagging me for your number!"

Vegeta raised his brows at his son, as much as he agreed on his sons statement he also was not impressed with his son swearing. He certainly didn't get that from him. And of course, his husband trudged in behind Gohan, who also didn't look too happy. He frowned as Goten was tugging at his hair as he tried to place him down on the bouncer. Well isn't this a joyous day for the family. Vegeta chewed on his lip crossing his leg on top of the other, dare he even ask what's wrong with his husband?

"Honestly my teacher only ever asks me disturbing things like your shoe size, what's that got to do with algebra?" Gohan flailed his arms pacing back and forth as he continued with his vent on his teacher.

Goku settled Goten into the bouncer and sat next to Vegeta. "I'm so tired," he complained whilst rubbing his eyes. "I'm even too tired for sex," he whined forgetting Gohan was still in the room.

Vegeta arched his brow directly at his husband, did his ears just deceive him? Did he really just hear his husband state he's too tired for sex? Well, this is certainly a sad day indeed. Vegeta pursed his lips and glanced down at Goten drooling over the tv remote, just how did he even get hold of the remote? either way, least one of them in the household seemed happy.

There was a loud knock that silenced everyone as they craned their neck towards the direction, before either one of them offered to answer the door Bardock strutted into the living room carrying a large rucksack over his shoulder.

"So, it's Gine's time of month and we all know what she's like around that time," Bardock dropped the rucksack in front of them, and clasped his hands together.

"Any reason why you've brought that with you?" Vegeta pointed at the rucksack raising his brows as his father in law.

"Dad thinks we should have a guys night out," Raditz sighed stepping into the living room with a similar rucksack to Bardock's.

"You are aware we have children, right?" Vegeta folded his arms glancing down at Goten who was staring around the room at everyone.

"And that's why I'm over," Bulma walked in followed by Krillin.

"Great, anyone else want to just welcome themselves into our home?" Vegeta raised a brow seeing his brother walk in, "Okay...anyone else?! is Karen joining too?"

"Well that's just silly, dad said it's going to be a guys night out," Goku chuckled at his husband.

"You just don't know with Karen, she could be one of those who wants to associate themselves as a lemon," Vegeta shrugged smirking to himself, damn is he freakin' hilarious. Unfortunately it appeared everyone else didn't find his remark funny, as they all stood giving each other the same kind of awkward glance as the room fell quiet.

"Moving on, " Bardock rubbed his hands together and centred himself in the room. "Bulma will be babysitting Goten, whilst we-"

"Wow, hold on there," Vegeta held his hand out as he stood up, "are you suggesting we take Gohan with us?!"

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