Day 0

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As I stepped into the Adoption Agency, I looked around. A lady walked up to me and asked me, "I'm Kimua. Are you Shota Aizawa?" she asked.

"Yeah." I answered, running my hand through my hair. "So, you needed me?"

"Yeah. We've had him for a few years." she said, walking me to her office. "No surprise, the older the child, the less likely they are to be adopted." (That's sadly a true fact)

"So, you think I'll be the one to take him in?" I said as she headed towards the door.

"At least talk to him." she said, opening the door. Sitting there on the couch was a 16 year old boy, purple hair and eyes, the latter having bags under them. He looked up at me, having been petting a small kitten. "Shinsou, this is Shota Aizawa." He sighed and stood up,. extending his hand.

"Hello." he said, his voice quiet.

"Hello, Shinsou." I said, shaking his hand, then releasing it. I sat in a chair across from Shinsou's couch where he pet the kitten in his lap. His legs were folded under him, his free hand in his black and purple striped sweatshirt pocket.

"So, tell him about yourself, Shinsou." Kimua said, looking at Shinsou. He looked up from his cat, not making eye contact with anyone.

"I like cats." he said, looking up at me, his purple eyes filled with energy. "I also really don't like crowds." He shot a glance at Kimua, who was writing something down into a clipboard. "And I don't really like people as a whole."

"I get it." I said, my hands in my lap. "Not what you've gone through or anything like that. But your dislike for people." Shinsou looked me in the eyes. "Also, I like cats, too." Shinsou smiled,ever so slightly, then placed his hand over his mouth.

"So, Shinsou." Kimua said, looking at him. "Do you want to go with Mr. Aizawa for two weeks and see if you want to stay?"

"Sure." he said, lowering his hand. "I've got nothing else to lose. Can I take Willow?" The kitten meowed, kneeding on his lap.

"Yeah." I said, standing up. "You and Willow will be welcomed happily." He grinned, then looked down at Willow.

"We got a home for a bit." he said, rubbing the cats head.

This kid. He's a lot like how I was when I was his age. Antisocial, and content with that. How am I supposed to change him if I never did?

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