Day 1, Part 3

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Aizawa's POV
As I looked over at Hitoshi during the 6th episode of Seinfeld, he was sitting there, slumped over and asleep,Willow laying on his lap. I smiled, standing up. I grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and sat it on Hitoshis shoulders. Willow moved a little, but didn't move completley. Hitoshi groaned, resting his head on his shoulder. "Sleep tight, kiddo." I messed his hair up lightly and stood up. Suddenly, he fell onto the couch, Willow laying under his arm. The blanket was thrown to the ground and he started pulling himself into a ball. I grabbed his arm and shook him lightly.

"Hm?" he groaned, sitting up. He looked at me, squinting. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah." I said, smiling. "Are you ready to sleep?"

"Yeah." he said, Willow climbing up to his shoulder. He stood up as I placed the blanket back on the couch. "Well, goodnight, Mr. Aizawa." he said, flashing a quick smile.

"Night, Hitoshi." I said, walking to him and hugging him. He hugged back, Willows location making me go under his arm. He nuzzled into my neck, sniffiling. He pulled back, his eyes full of tears but a wide smile on his face. "I hope you know, but if you ever need to talk..."

 "I know... Thanks." he replied, blinking away his tears. He walked back to his room. I sighed, then rubbed my chin.Well, Shirakumo? Do you think I did good? You would have been amazing at this. Or Yamada or Kayama. I'm the least qualified of us to be a parent. I slipped my phone out of my pocket where I had put it and opened it. 1 Missed Call from Ms. Joke. Clicking on my voicemail, I played the voicemail she left.

"Hey, Shota. I get you're busy with the kid, but I'm worried about you." she started, her voice quiet and somber. "When you get this, call me back. Probably will be past your bedtime though. Whenever you can, Eraser." I clicked the 'Call Back' option and held the phone to my cheek. After 3 rings, she answered. "Shota? You good?"

"You said you wanted me to call you." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Or did you forget?"

"No, just not used to you calling me." she said, laughing slightly. "So, you good?"

"Well..." I glanced towards Hitoshis room, the door open just a pinch. "The kid opened up. We talked for a bit and now he's sleeping."

"It's only 9:30." she said. "Not even a day and he's already taking after you. Or did you make him."

"He went according to his own accord."  I replied, smiling. "But I guess it is early for a teenager."

"Especially since he doesn't have school or anything to wake up for." she said. "But more about you. We haven't seriously hung out in a bit. We should grab a drink or something."

"Sure." I said. "Whenever you want."

"Really? You never would go out for a drink with me." she said, laughing. Before I could reply, she continued. "All right. I'll hit you with the time and location tomorrow."

"Sounds good, Emi." I said. Her side got noisy, like she was about to end the call. "And Emi?"

"Yeah?" she asked, sounding surprised.

"Thanks for being there for me. I know Yamada is too, but...ya know."

"Yeah. I do." she replied. "Night-Night, Shota."

"Night, Emi." I said, the call ending. I exhaled, smiling. Wait, did I just make a date with Emi?

Shinsou's POV

As I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, I felt myself already start to drift off. Willow was laying down by my feet, curled into a ball. Mr. Aizawa is so nice. And so excepting of my issues. For the first time, I feel safe here. I don't know what it is, but some aspect of him or this house puts me at ease. I turned to my side, staring at the wall. I smiled, closing my eyes. I'm content staying here. I'll see if he can call the agency tomorrow to get my official housing placed here. Maybe then he can get me into a nearby school. Then I can meet some people and make some friends. Never thought I'd be excited to go to school, jeez. I felt myself drift off and, being safe for the first time in recent memory, I allowed myself to sleep.

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