clear and pure, trickling over the
cold dead rocks,
the sound squelching in our ears.
it seeps up through the grooves of our shoes,
as we walked through the mountains
and the uneven shards.
the silence drifting through the air
but it's a different silence.
a good one,
a new one,
an almost mended silence.
a silence that represented how much
i so dearly wished i could've asked you
but i would never put you in that position
because you still own a part of my heart,
and you're still a good person,
you may have done me wrong,
but it's not your fault.
and i just hope that one day
we can re-experience the silence
and the walk
and the mountains.
but even if not,
i hope you go on to have a good life
and good friends who never leave
and happiness
because you deserve it.
words i never said
Poesiethe thoughts i never got to (and probably never will) say to you. an outlet.