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I feel myself shaking as I hear the roar of the crowd. The sound check was all fine and the opening act was pretty good, but now it's time for us to go on. I remember my instructions and wait in the wings as the rest of the band go onstage. I hear cheering as people see them, rocking identical Black Parade uniforms to make a splash on their first gig with a new drummer.

The others open as planned with Blood, sounding just as sexy as ever. My hand subconsciously wanders to my crotch as I hear Gee's beautiful voice. I barely notice as the song finishes and the roar of the crowd is drowned out by a shout of "And now, introducing our new drummer, [Y/N] [L/N]!"

The crowd falls silent, eagerly anticipating my entrance. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I start hyperventilating and sweating like mad. I hear Gee call my name again anxiously. I run my hands down my jacket to wipe off the sweat before realising something - I have an erection. And it isn't exactly unnoticeable. I slide down the wall in despair.

Mikey runs backstage, looking terrified. "[Y/N] what the fuck are you playing at?"

"Mikey, I - I don't know if I can do it."

"Come on, [Y/N], it's fine. Worst case scenario you fuck up and you have to do better next time. Nothing bad's gonna happen, I promise." He smiles at me and offers his hand. I take it shyly and he pulls me up, raising his eyebrows and smiling as he notices the bulge in my pants but saying nothing. I slowly follow him on, the crowd falling silent as I step onstage, until -

"He's got a boner!" someone from the front of the audience yells as I feel my face flushing red. I run to the drum kit, trying to ignore the chants of "Boner! Boner! Boner!" building in the crowd, staring pleadingly at one of the techies in the wings. She runs onstage and whispers something to Gee, who hurriedly announces the next song - Welcome to the Black Parade - and the piano intro begins playing. I giggle quietly, getting g-noted on stage for the first time feels WEIRD!

The rest of the gig goes relatively smoothly - I slip up slightly once or twice but nobody seems to notice or care. I leave the stage hurriedly at the end, breathing heavily and collapsing on a wall in the wings. Gee, Frank and Ray exit from the other side of the stage but Mikey comes to talk to me.

"[Y/N], are you ok?" he whispers, crouching by my side. I nod, shaking. He moves to face me and lifts my head up with one finger. "Listen, [Y/N], you did great. We're all really proud of you," he says softly, before leaning in and softly kissing me on the lips. The kiss barely lasts a second before he's gone, but for that brief second it feels like I'm in Heaven.

As Mikey leaves, I get shakily to my feet and start looking around backstage to find the techie that helped me earlier. Before long I find her, turning off the mics onstage. I tap on her shoulder to get her attention and she turns to face me.

"What do you want?" she snaps tetchily, obviously already stressed from work.

"Uh, hi! I'm [Y/N] [L/N]. I'm -"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, you're the horny drummer, " she smirks as I flush with embarrassment again, "I'm Sarah."

"...yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out earlier," I stutter.

"Aww no problem sweetie!" She smiles, brushing her long curly brown hair off her face.

"Umm yeah! It was lovely meeting you," I stammer, backing away awkwardly, before turning and running, embarrassed. I move quickly back to my dressing room, hiding my face from everyone I pass.

As I leave my dressing room I find a note outside the door addressed to "[Y/N]". I turn it over to find an 11-digit number, following by the letter S and a kiss.

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