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"[Y/N]?" I hear a voice I recognise whispering in my ear. I yawn and roll over, looking into the eyes of the most beautiful man on earth (or at least one of the top four) - Gerard Way.

"Five more minutes?" I whine, rolling back over and closing my eyes again, only for Gee to pull me back over to face him.

"Come on, [Y/N], it's your big day!" he whispers excitedly. I realise what he's talking about and jump out of bed excitedly. It's my first gig as the official drummer of My Chemical Romance! How could I forget?

I hear groaning from all around me as the rest of the band wakes up and starts getting out of bed: Ray Toro, his luscious brown locks wrapped in rollers; Mikey Way - Gee's little brother and (in my opinion) the least good-looking of the band; and Frank Iero, whose surname I still can't pronounce.

I moan sluttily as I glance around at the four sexiest men alive shirtless in a room with me. Yeah I'm a man too - I've been in the closet for the past 28 years of my life, since I realised I was gay when I was 12. I start getting odd looks and hurriedly stop moaning, pretending I had something stuck in my throat. As we all start getting dressed, I swear I catch a glimpse of Mikey touching Frank's inner thigh, but when I look again a second later they're nowhere near each other. Am I letting my fantasies get the better of me again?

My Chemical BromanceWhere stories live. Discover now