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I save the number as a contact labelled S. I'm still unsure as to who it is - hey, maybe it's one of the cute guys on the tech squad - but I have more pressing matters on my mind. Mikey.

The kiss he'd given me had been AMAZING - there was no other word to describe it. I had been unable to think of anything while it was happening; if someone had stabbed me in the back I wouldn't have noticed. My mind had been full of a warm fuzzy feeling. I wondered if Mikey had felt the same. I had to know...

"Hey Mikey?"

"What do you want now, [Y/N]?" Mikey grumbles. I've walked on him while he's getting changed and I can tell I've slightly irritated him.

"Um... Sorry. I was just wondering - with the thing earlier -"

"I don't know what you're talking about." His response is short and brusque and it throws me off.

"But -"

"Listen, [Y/N], nothing happened. Do you understand?"

"But Mikey, we -"

"No, we didn't, [Y/N]. We didn't do anything except go out on stage and play for all those fans. You were scared, so I came and talked to you and got you geared up to go onstage. Do you understand me now?"

"Mikey, I don't get it. You - you kissed me!" I'm hurt. How can he already be pretending that nothing has happened between us? I feel used.


The noise came from his wardrobe. I jump, before turning to face the wardrobe.

"Wh - who's there?" More laughter ensues from whoever's hiding in the wardrobe.

"[Y/N], call security!" Mikey screams, terrified. I run over to the landline and, panicking, try to remember the code for security.

"I can't remember it!"

"Well, call one of the other guys then you FUCKING IDIOT!" Mikey shrieks.


"Try Frank, he's next door." Mikey suddenly sounds strangely calm, almost amused, but I'm too scared to notice. I scroll frantically through my contacts, eventually reaching Frank and pressing the "call" button over and over in my panic, only to hear a ringing noise...

"It's in the wardrobe?" I turn, confused, only to see Mikey collapsed on his bed in fits of laughter.

"You can come out now, babe," he chokes out between laughs. The wardrobe opens slowly to reveal Frank, curled up on the floor and laughing, wearing only a black leather thong.

"Frank?" I'm confused beyond belief and - much to my embarrassment - starting to get aroused again.

"Hi, [Y/N]," Frank manages through his chortles.

"Now do you understand, [Y/N]? I didn't want Frank to know," Mikey says, trying in vain to stay angry with me but unable to cease his laughter.

"But - I don't understand. Why was Frank in your wardrobe wearing - that?"

"Well, [Y/N], me and Mikey here kind of have a - thing going on," Frank laughs, standing up so that I can see his bare chest. His nipples are hard, I notice, forcing myself not to look down.

"Frankie! Now [Y/N]'s gonna want in!" Mikey sounds irritated, but not exactly opposed to the idea.

"And do you have a problem with that, Mikey?" Frank walks over to Mikey, running one finger along Mikey's inner thigh. Mikey moans softly and shakes his head. "Thought so," Frank smirks, before beckoning me over. I walk towards him, staring dumbfoundedly.

"Like what you see, [Y/N]?" Frank teases. I nod, not realising what he's asked. He smirks. "Mikey, mind if I have your room to myself for a sec?"

"Yeah sure, but I want full details later," Mikey grins and leaves the room, leaving me alone with Frank.

"Right then, [Y/N], first things first, let's get your clothes off." Frank smiles to himself, realising I'm too busy looking at his body to listen to him. Before I realise what's happened, he's taken off my shirt, shoes, socks and trousers and I'm stood there in my underwear. A few seconds later, my hands are tied behind my back and I'm on my knees.

"How hungry are you, [Y/N]?" he grins, sitting on the bed in front of me, my face almost touching his thong. Before I can answer, though, his phone rings. 

"Shit," he goes over to his phone and picks it up, snapping "Yeah?" at whoever it is on the other end, before I see his expression soften. "Oh, sorry Sarah. What? [Y/N]? Yeah, he's with me. Huh? Yeah, I can tell him that. Love you too. Bye!" He makes a kissing sound into the phone and terminates the call. "Sarah wants to know if you wanna meet up for coffee tomorrow."

"Oh! I mean, I didn't have any plans for tomorrow, so I guess that's cool. Are you and her a thing then?" To my surprise, Frank bursts out laughing.

"The fuck, dude? She's my sister!" Tears are rolling down his cheeks at this point and I take that as my cue to leave. "Call her later!" Frank shouts after me, still laughing his head off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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