Chapter 5 (Edited)

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(Finally Edited)

Hurt my friends and I will hurt you - Kei Kimiko


Four hours had passed ever since we met the old lady. We took two hours to walked through the tunnel and another two hours to walk through the dark forest.

As I was observing the forest, Leorio, being the scardy cat he is, was complaining about the darkness and the possibility of animals attacking us. Rolling my eyes at the teen, I continued to observe around me. It was dark and silent in the forest but I could make out the lines of the animals in this forest.

The three men beside me were having a conversation but I did not bother to listen. When we were walking, I found the road that was leading to the navigator's cabin and also the warning sign.

Kurapika, Gon and I ignored the sign once we passed it but Leorio did otherwise. He read the sign and muttered something about it but I could care less. All I care is about this part of the test. Trying to figure out who is who is my main priority.

Leorio ran and joined our group again before we walked to the cabin that was under the mushroom tree. "We're finally here," I heard Leorio murmured. I just nodded my head and Kurapika stated, "How quiet. Are we the only ones to have gotten this far?"

'Yes, we are,' I was about to say that when I realized that I should just keep my mouth shut. Leorio and Kurapika walked to the cabin with Gon and I followed behind them. The oldest teen knocked on the door and since it was unlocked, the door opened slightly.

"I'm coming in," he said and pushed the door open, only for the three men to gasp in shock when they saw a Kiriko monster standing there. The Kiriko wife was grinning and chuckled darkly at us and we averted our eyes to the woman in her arms.

"A monster!" Kurapika and Leorio hollered, getting their weapons ready to attack. The Kiriko monster jumped out of the closed window, making it broke into pieces, with the woman in her arms. Gon and Kurapika decided to follow her and Leorio stayed behind to reassure the son.

I was glancing at which way I should go and decided to follow Gon and Kurapika. "I'll follow them, okay Leorio? You take care of the husband!" I told him. The teen nodded his head in understanding before I jumped out of the window, leaving my bag and Emi with Leorio in the cabin.

Getting my whip ready, I jumped from tree to tree and tried to keep up with Gon and Kurapika. Since I never like using my full speed in this kind of situation, I was not able to keep up with them.

"♪!" I cursed out loud and decided to run back to Leorio to help him with the husband but stopped when I saw Kiriko monster in front of me when I turned.

"Kekeke.. What are you doing here by yourself, little boy?" the Kiriko monster asked. Gon is not the only one who have good hearing, I have too. The Kiriko monster's voice sounded higher than the monster that we encounter just now and looks smaller so, I guess that this must be the wife since I could not see a bump on the forehead.

"Oh nothing, just enjoying the view, that's all," I said and patted the tree that was beside me. "You can enjoy the view once you die!" She exclaimed and was about to slash me using her claws when I reacted faster and dodged the claws and kicked her side, hard.

That made her sent flying to the trees and slammed his body on it. "I'm not that kind of person who gives up his life so easily," I told her. The wife stood up slowly as he groaned in pain and muttered some words under her breath before she jumped into the trees and disappeared.

'That was easy but I still haven't had the proof to show them that they are a family...,' I thought. Since the wife distracted me, I decided to run to Gon's direction.

I ran deeper into the forest and tried not to hit my head on a branch or a tree. As I was running, another familiar figure was standing in front of me. Tilting my head to the side, I had a small smirk plastered on my face when I saw a bigger Kiriko ahead.

"I'm going to kill you!" the monster exclaimed, letting me hear its deep voice. 'Perfect!' I mentally smirked at myself as the husband was about to attack me when I held out my hand to stop him.

"Where's your wife?" I asked him and that made him stop on his track and blinked at me. "Huh?" He said and I rolled my eyes at him

"There are two of you," I started and showed her my two fingers. "I injured one of you at the side and also at the back which leaves a mark and also, your voice is deeper than the one that I fought," I told him and showed him my index finger. "The one that I fought has a higher voice and was smaller than you. Oh and also, I fought a monster that did not have a bump on its head," I added and pointed at the bump that was on his forehead.

His eyes looked up and saw the huge bump before he looked down at me and did the most unexpected thing if I hadn't watched this episode.

He laughed.

"Hey, honey! Look what I found!" He cried while I was just staring at him with white round anime eyes.

The four of us were standing in front of a family of Kiriko. The wife and husband were sitting on the floor and complimented Gon about his good hearing and others. The daughter and the son were there as well.

I heard Kurapika and Leorio were whispering to one another about how Gon and I could tell which is which. I actually laughed at them for that because it was really easy actually. Their heights are different and also, their voices. If you are sharp in hearing, then that means you could tell which is which.

"It has been a long time since we met anyone who could tell my wife and I apart. It gives me great pleasure," said the husband of the family.

"In fact, it was you, mister, who hit Kurapika," Gon stated, pointing at the husband. Leorio and Kurapika were staring at Gon as if he was telling a fortune or something like that and sweat dropped.

"Good, you are very nice to us," said the wife. "Now then, my wife and I are your navigators," the husband said and pointed to himself. "I'm their daughter," the girl who changed her face into Kiriko monster introduced. "I'm their son," the boy said.

The navigators then explained about them. Kurapika was first and passed when he found out about the woman's mark on the wrist, Leorio passed when he reassured the husband that his wife is fine, Gon of course passed as he had extraordinary senses, including me.

The family of Kiriko then told us that we can go to Zaban and so, they gave us a ride. They gave the three men a ride instead because I told them that I can use my wind element to fly. I do not want to be a burden to them and besides, it has been a while since I used my wind element.

So, I concentrated the wind around me and imagined that I was lifted into the air. My feet were no longer on the solid ground and I was floating.

"Awesome!" a familiar voice exclaimed and I turned to find Gon eyed at me with sparkly eyes, Kurapika and Leorio eyed at me with amusement. "Wah, Miki. How did you do that?" he asked me.

"I can control the wind element since it's in my blood. The Kei family can control the wind element only and understand the animal language," I told them. Emi was hiding inside my bag that I was carrying because she was afraid of heights.

"Anyways, let's go," I said and with that said, our last part of the test had ended and our first phase of the exam is about to start.

Death is what I fear every single day but what I fear the most is the people who are dearest to me gets hurt - Kei Kimiko


Chapter 5 √

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