Chapter 9 (Edited)

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At dawn, the sun was rising from the East side, the birds were chirping a melody in the yellowish-orange and blue sky and the gentle breeze blew and was brushing against the trees and bushes.

In the sky, there was a blimp floating. A blimp filled with familiar faces, examinees and examiners inside. In the blimp, a familiar female was sleeping in a room filled with dangerous and weak people. Her name is Kei Kimiko.

The girl was sleeping soundly that she did not know that she was sleeping on a certain silvernette's shoulder and that person's head was resting on Kimiko's head. The two said people were sleeping while their friends, a blonde and a suited man were eyeing at them with soften eyes. They knew that they were best friends since they were ten and could not help but smile at that sight.

Alas, they could not let them sleep for too long as their destination was close and so, Kurapika took action and shook Killua lightly. "Hey, Killua. Wake up," Kurapika said, shaking the boy. When Killua did not response, he shook him with a little force and that made Killua opened his eyes grogily. "What is it? Can't you see that I'm tired?" Killua yawned and blinked his eyes. It was a surprise that Killua who was known to be an assassin did not realise that Kurapika shook him awake and was actually sleepy for once.

Kurapika smiled at him which made the silvernette arched an eyebrow at the older boy. "What are you smiling at?" he asked, curiosity got the best of him. Kurapika just chuckled at the clueless boy and when the blonde adverted his eyes to the white-haired female, Killua followed his gaze and landed on the sleeping beauty. It took him for a minute to realise that she was sleeping on his shoulder and that made him startled and jumped out of the way, making the female fell her head on the floor with a loud thud but the girl was still sleeping.

"What happen?" Killua asked, now highly alert as he stood up and walked to the heavy sleeper who was snoring lightly. "I guess he is a heavy sleeper. Let me try to wake him up," Kurapika suggested and shook his companion but nothing happen. He shook her harder and harder but still, no response.

"It's hopeless," Kurapika sighed. Then, the announcement was made, "To all passengers, we already landed..." Killua and Kurapika eyed at the girl before they adverted their eyes to the squirrel who was already awake. "Emi, right?" Kurapika asked. The cute creature looked up at him and nodded.

"Emi, can you wake Miki up?" he added. The squirrel looked at Miki who was still sleeping and that made Emi had an irk mark appeared on her forehead. The female made a cried and stomped her small feet on Miki's back but there was no response. She tried to wake the girl up with all she got but it was hopeless. Kurapika, Leorio and Killua were staring at the pissed squirrel with white round eyes as the female breathed out a hopeless mushroom sigh before she grabbed the 95kg bag and shoved it inside the Stuart's bag after she found it.

Slinging that bag on her shoulder, she looked up to gaze at Killua and pointed at him then, at the sleeping beauty. At first, Killua did not understand until he said, "You want me to carry him?" and the squirrel nodded her head.

"Why me? Why can't Kurapika?"

The squirrel just cried at him with the same irk mark on her forehead which made the poor assassin to back away from the female and sweat dropped. "Okay, okay. I will," and with that, Killua piggybacked Miki and the five of them went out of the blimp.

The sky was blue with white puffy clouds when they were outside and Emi jumped down from Kurapika's shoulder and ordered Killua to put Miki down on the ground. He obliged and put her down. Then, she ordered him to make Miki sit straight with her legs straight and her arms wide as if she wanted someone to hug.

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