XXIV | seen

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"HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN Y/N?" Romelle ran up to us. I was about to leave school, but I hung back a bit to talk to Shiro. Allura's brows furrowed, counting on her fingers before looking at me. "Hasn't it been like four days since she showed up to school?" Lance wagged his finger, chiming in as well. "She was looking pretty sick last time too."

I snorted, "Oh, look. Seems like you're good at least one thing," Lance grumbled and gave me a frown, but dropped it reluctantly when Perla jabbed his ribs with her elbow. Pidge glanced at me, caramel eyes boring into mine. "What about your project? Haven't you two kept in contact about that?" I shook my head, shrugging my shoulders.

I readjusted the bag on my shoulder, "Not really. I've texted her a few times, but she hasn't responded whatsoever. I would visit her, but I don't know where she lives." Allura blinked at me, tilting her head to the side. "I can just pull up the roster—" Lance cut her off swiftly, speaking what was on all of our minds. "—now that's just creepy."

I nodded along with what he said, "For once, I agree with him." Guess you are keen on some things, Lance. Pidge sighed, rolling her eyes. "Creepy or not, just take the address and go visit her. I don't know why the teacher even gives me all the work for me to hold onto anyways." She took out a stash of papers, shoving into my hands. 

My phone buzzed, Allura sending me a screenshot of the attendance roster. I took out my phone, glancing down at the image shortly before giving them all a quizzical look. Did they really expect me to do this? This is just weird. I opened my mouth in retaliation, eyebrows still furrowed as I blinked back at their awaiting gazes.

"So, I should just—"

"—just give it to her, Keith. You have the address, you have the work; I really don't feel like debating this, especially on a Friday." Shiro mumbled. He seemed to have a headache; that or he didn't take his medicine since he was too busy massaging his temples to even look any of us in the eyes. "Alright, fine. I wasn't complaining, I just find it weird." I mumbled.

Everyone shared a look with one another, Pidge sighing. "Create a group chat later, so that you can update us on her. See you guys on Monday." She left, everyone following suit shortly after. As I watched Perla duck into the same car as Lance, I could only guess that she was going on a date with him. That's no surprise. I inhaled sharply, looking down at the papers.

It was a lot, I wasn't going to lie. Most of these were study guides and they were packets. No wonder this feels heavy. I adjusted my grip on the papers, shifting them to one hand before checking the address again. Briskly crossing the street, I was able to cross once more after waiting another minute for a car to pass by. 

I readjusted my bag, feeling it beginning to slip off my shoulder again. Checking my phone once more, I pocketed it and sped up my pace. I stopped in front of a slightly shabby looking townhouse. The bricks were a bit faded and the white in between the bricks were a slight yellow, some vines travelling up the walls of it.

I rang the doorbell, bouncing back and forth on my heels as I averted my eyes to the childish designs on the mailbox. The door slowly creaked open and my eyes widened at the sight of Haneul. His skin was nearly the color of snow, his bandages unraveling as dark bags weighed underneath his eyes.

He looked at me once, dull orange clashing with my own eyes. He stared me up and down before closing the door on my face. I gritted my teeth, a mixture of concern and irritation running through me as I knocked the door this time. This time, Y/n opened the door. She looked paler than before, bandages still present on her forearms.

Her eyes were dull and nearly lifeless, representing the thing that I've noticed flashing in her eyes for the past few weeks. Her skin was paler as well, movements shaky as she held onto the doorknob. "Where's Haneul?" He knows what's going on. She blinked at me, "Haneul was here?" Y/n softly questioned before stumbling away.

"Haneul? Haneul?" I wanted to peek inside, wondering what she was doing and where she was going. Before I could, a friendly old woman hobbled over to the door. She held onto a slightly knobby looking cane that seemed to be purely made of wood. Her gray hair fell slightly over her shoulders, bangs framing her face nicely.

Her eyes were similar to Y/n's, but a slightly brighter e/c. "Ah, thank you for stopping by. I assume that's Y/n's work?" She pointed at the stack of papers. Not only did she look wholesome, but she sounded wholesome too. I nodded and she took the work from me, setting it on a table to her left. "Listen, boy, is it alright if you take the landline number?"

I didn't want to seem like an asshole; even though I could be like that sometimes, but it just be like that sometimes. I nodded shyly, watching as she mumbled some numbers. Her eyes bore into my phone screen as I tapped away at a few numbers, giving her a thumbs up afterwards. "Thank you, young'un. Y/n could use a few friends," She smiled softly.

I just nodded again, thanking her back awkwardly before turning away and heading back home. I subconsciously followed the path home, my mind following thoughts elsewhere as I took in a breath and stared at the stars. I didn't know what was going on and I knew that it couldn't have been my business, but I was worried.

For once, minus my family members, I was worried. I was worried for someone that had helped me so many times. I was worried for her.

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