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Chapter IV

AS the two silhouettes reached their car, the guy decided to speak. "Are you okay?" The guy asked as he watched his accomplice catches her breath. The woman just nodded as a response.

The guy slumped on the ground as he catches his own breath. "That guy is really hard to fight." He uttered as he smirked to his self as he held the flash drive up, the device that held information about the Black Organization.

He heard a scoff on his side seeing the woman smirking at him. "Shut it. We need to report to our boss." The woman beside him spoke and proceeded on their car.

The guy just stared at her leaving figure. He looked up at the dark sky and closed his eyes as he heaved a sigh. "There are still some things you don't need to know..." The unknown guy whispered as he stared back at the device. "Tantei-san."

"WHO are they?" Kaito asked as he tries to catch his breath. His gaze averted at the two running silhouettes from afar which where Shinichi's gaze are locked. He confusedly stared at the strangers and looked back at Shinichi. He watched as the detective frowned as he stands up.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He asked and slowly approached Shinichi. "Tantei-san?" He called out and tapped Shinichi's shoulder. The detective snapped out of his thoughts and furiously nodded.

"Y-yeah." Shinichi sighed and averted his stare at the thief. "We should better leave." He mumbled and started to walk away, leaving the thief confused with his actions.

IT'S been a week since Shinichi and his team's mission ended. Shinichi spent the whole week at the police station to clear the case of their deceased informant. The officers find out about the gambling place, the exact location where their last mission happened and were all furious when they learned that it was already blown up.

"Agent?" And for them not to find out the real thing that happened there, Shinichi tries to make an excuse and take fully in-charge of the case.

If it's the Black Organization then that means that they're trying to recruit and increase their power again? Shinichi thought and suddenly remembered what he found out that night. He mentally cursed and closed his eyes.

"Kudo-san?" Shinichi snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Shawn called him.

He shot a gaze at Shawn who's looking at him strangely. "Y-Yes?" He stuttered and lean his back at the couch.

"You've been spacing out ever since our last mission. Is there something bothering you?" Shawn asked, turned his chair to face him.

Other than the fact that she's really dead. "Nothing?" Shinichi answered, not even sure if it's the right answer. Shinichi's thoughts wandered at the two unknown person who attacked him. He thought that they might be connected on the one who's behind the killing of their informant.

"Kid told me that someone attack you when he's about to fetch you." Shawn stated. "Is that it?" he asked. And they might be connected also in the Black Organization.

Wait. The flash drive, right! Shinichi hurriedly stood up and harshly took the coat that he's wearing that night. He carefully looked for it at the coat's pockets.

"Uh. Hey?" He heard Shawn called him again, watching him and his actions with weird stare.

"Damn. Where is it?" He mumbled as he searched thoroughly. Shawn tilted his head in confusion and just stared confusedly at him. "What are you looking?" he asked.

"The flash drive." Shinichi sharply exhaled and brushed his hair. "Did you saw it?" he asked as he turned around and looked at Shawn who's shaking his head.

He cursed and carelessly threw his coat. "Those guys stole it." He stated and gritted his teeth. He furiously clenched his fists and kicked the chair in front of him.

Damn. Are they one of them? Shinichi thought and then he remembered something. "Shawn?" he mumbled and coldly stared at Shawn.

"Yeah?" Shawn watched him with amusement. He's not used of seeing this side of Shinichi that was displaying too many emotions.

"Can you do me a favor?" Shinichi asked as he clenched his jaw. Shawn smirked and nodded. "Sure." 

"YOU want me to look for someone." Shawn repeated as he starts to type codes in his laptop. He's trying to search something on the footage on that night which Shinichi asked him to do.

"There's this lady on that building." Shinichi started to explain. "She's wearing a black formal dress. Brunette." He added.

Shawn huffed as he review different footage. "Anything else that could help us?" he asked as he saw too many women having the same details.

"She had this weird wristwatch that kept blinking. That's why the old man beside her thought that she's cheating." Shinichi answered as he stared at the screen of the laptop.

"Weird wristwatch? Let me see." Shawn mumbled and fast-forwarded some footage. When he spotted the said woman, he zoom it in and turned it to Shinichi.

He played the video and confusedly asked, "Is she one of our allies?" he inquired. "I mean, look she kept glancing at that guy in suit." Shawn added.

Shinichi carefully observed the guy. "He looked familiar." He mumbled and something struck him. That's the guy! "Right! That's the guy who talked to me at the second floor."

"Why are you looking for them?" Shawn pause the video and turned to Shinichi. He watched as Shinichi scoffed and tiredly sat beside him.

"They stole it." Shinichi answered.


Shinichi internally cursed and heaved a sigh. "They stole the flashdrive from me." He stated as he buried his head on his arms and groaned. "They are the one who attacked me that night." He added.

As far as Shinichi can remember that guy has the organization's badge. Shinichi was sure that he saw clearly that it's their badge. Then that only mean one thing. Someone is betraying the organization.

"What is this?" Shinichi heard Shawn mumbled beside him. He's replaying some video from the gambling place. "Kudo-san, I think this can help you with your problem."

The low quality footage shows a black car arriving with motors tailing on them. A guy in black suit comes out and talked to the guard. They look like they are arguing about something then suddenly the guy in black suit hit the guard. He signaled something in the car and the woman Shinichi's talking about came out of the car.

The group in black was startled when a woman who's also dressed in black showed herself while holding a gun out aiming at the brunette. "That's..." Shinichi whispered as he watched the woman averts her gaze to the camera, smirking mischievously as if she can see the one who's watching them. Suddenly the video immediately stopped when the woman changed her aim and shot the camera instead.



Hello? I don't know if there's still someone reading this story. Anyway, I'm sorry for the wrong grammars and spelling. Happy reading! Wishing you all have a good day!

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