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The loud sounds of gun shots echoed in the middle of the night at the dark alley. It was raining hard but that didn’t stop the guy to catch the traitor. “Stop!” The guy shouted and fired his gun above as he chased the unknown silhouette whom he caught digging information at their data.

The silhouette just runs faster going through the deserted alley wanting to escape the guy who keeps chasing. “Damn. I can’t let you escape,” the guy thought and clenched his gun, running faster than before.

“Finally.” He panted when the both of them reached a dead-end. He readied his gun and pointed it at the silhouette. He smirked and clicked his tongue. “Do you really think I would let you escape?” He asked, still pointing his gun at the traitor.

He saw the unknown guy raised its hand and slowly turned around, making him clenched his jaw, remembering what he discovered. An unknown feeling started to slowly creep in his chest. He let out a cold laugh and stared at the figure in front of him.

“It’s been so long since we saw each other.” The guy said as a cold smile escaped from his mouth. He heaved a sighed and put down his gun.

He looked at the silhouette blankly and coldly. “It was nice to see you again…” He mumbled and paused for a while as he smile bitterly. Silence enveloped them, only the sounds of the rain can be heard.

A thunder suddenly roars that breaks the silence. It gave him a slight chance to see the face of the person in front him. “Sherry.” He whispered. The codename of the woman he loves bitterly came out from his mouth.



Happy new year guyyyyys~ Hello, helloooo~ Here's the start of the sequel.  Just like what I said before, I'm still not sure about the flow of the story but I hope I can meet your expectation about this.

And can you guys give me some codenames for our characters? Please? I'm still thinking about their codename so maybe you can give me help. Advance thank you and happy new year agaaaaain~

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