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“Marcellus! What color is your tie for- No you imbecile the ice sculpture goes in the left corner with the bar not near the raffle table!” Cybele yells at the workers carrying the large chunk of carved ice to the wrong area. How hard was it to follow simple instructions? She roughly runs a hand through her hair. This banquet had to go without a hitch and so far that has not been the case. She lets out a loud groan, letting her head fall into her hands.

“Calm down Belle, it looks like you are about to bust a blood vessel,” Diego's amused voice fills her ears.

Cybele spins on her heel, pointing directly at him. “Do not start with me. I am very stressed, in fact I may snap your neck if you don't hold your tongue. Thierry!” She calls out for the vampire not spotting him. She watches the workers gently put the ice in the correct spot before practically running out of the compound.

“Yes Cybele?” Thierry speeds himself in front of the woman, frowning at the bags beneath her eyes. “Are you alright?” He asks softly. Cybele lets out a small chuckle before shaking her head wrapping her arm around his shoulder, observing the workers.

“Nothing that a little bourbon can’t fix,” She hears Diego snicker behind her, she simply turns her head and sends him a flirtatious wink. “Now Theirry, has Marcel made sure that the vampires know this is not one of your types of feeding party? This is a banquet for my orphanage in Lake Charles, and if anything goes wrong..” she pauses pursing her lips, “well, you know how passionate I am about my work.”

Theirry lets out a soft hum and a amused laugh, “Yes Cybele we have informed the vampires. They know the punishment if they even dare look at them wrong.”

A genuine smile falls upon her lips, excitingly clapping her hands together. “Perfect! You still plan on playing tonight?” 

Theirry nods at her as she lets out a squeal of delightment. She gives Theirry a soft kiss on the cheek quickly turning to Diego who has been watching the whole ordeal. “Diego? Can you go get my son, I need to ask him what he is wearing tonight so I can color coordinate.” Diego nods and makes his way upstairs.

Cybele lets out a breath of relief, making her way over to a chair and dramatically flopping down on it. How she loved and both dreaded planning parties. She loved picking out colors, flowers, chair types, and choosing the guest list but she hated the stress she would manage to put herself under. She carefully inspects the humans working taking a certain liking to a blonde haired female carrying at least five chairs and setting them in their respective spots. 

“You called? Wait, are you checking out the workers?” Marcel asks looking at her sprawled out on the cushioned chair.

“That is none of your concern” Cybele hums quickly stopping her daydreams about the woman and switching her gaze to Marcellus. “What color tie are you planning to wear tonight?” She asks.

𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙎𝙮𝙧𝙪𝙥 ➳ 𝘕. 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now