Chapter 5: Rick and Sadie's Homes

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Third Person's POV

In the morning, Rick, Morgan, Duane, and Sadie headed outside. Morgan had given Rick and Sadie a change of clothes. Rick's were Morgan's and they fit him fine and Sadie's was Duane's. The clothes were a little bit big on her, but not too bad.

"Are we sure they're dead? I have to ask at least one more time." Rick asked as he walked out the door, glancing back at the three that were following him. "They dead. Except for something in their brain. That's why it's got to be the head." Morgan assured him.

When all three got outside, a walker turned and started towards them. Rick, armed with a baseball bat and wearing a helmet with a plastic shield in front of his face, went at him. He hit the walker in the head with the baseball bat multiple times until its head was smashed in and Rick fell to the ground, clutching his bullet wound, grunting and groaning.

"Rick! Are you okay?" Sadie rushed to his side. "I need a moment." Rick answered.


First, the four went back to Rick's house, following him through the front door. "They're alive – my wife and son. At least, they were when they left." Rick told them, peaking Sadie's interest. How did he know that?

"How can you know? By the look of this place..." Morgan trailed off and Rick spoke. "I found empty drawers in the bedroom. They packed some clothes – not a lot, but enough to travel." Rick explained.

"You know anybody could've broken in here and stole them clothes, right?" Morgan responded. "You see the framed photos on the walls? Neither do I. Some random thief take those too, you think?" Rick said and opened a door on a cabinet. "Our family albums, family pictures – all gone."

Morgan laughed. "Photo albums." Then he sat down on a chair. "My wife – same thing. There I am packing survival gear, she's grabbing photo alb..." Morgan cut himself off. Sadie felt bad for the man. He had so much grief for his wife.

It was quiet for a moment until Duane stepped forward. "They're in Atlanta, I bet." He told Rick. "That's right." Morgan agreed. "Why there?" Sadie asked, curiously.

"Refugee centre. A huge one they said, before the broadcast stopped. Military protection, food, shelter. They told people to go there, said it'd be safest." Morgan explained.

"Plus they got that disease place." Duane added on. "The Centre for Disease Control. Said they were working out how to solve this thing." Morgan clarified and Rick went into a  closet and grabbed a set of keys.

"We'll go to your place next, Sadie. But after that, I know where to go." Rick said and she nodded.


"My daddy and uncle don't always play well with others, so we live in a cabin in the woods. It's in here, but don't worry, it's not that far." Sadie told them, before starting to walk down a dirt road that led into the woods.

Rick followed her without hesitation, but Morgan and Duane glanced at each other before hesitantly following them. The woods tended to attract more walkers, with all the animals to eat and all the noises.

They walked about twenty minutes down the road before they turned onto a much smaller road that Sadie called their driveway. It took about three minutes to walk up until they came across the cabin.

"This is it. My daddy's motorcycle isn't here, but I'll check inside anyway." Sadie spoke and Rick nodded. The door was unlocked and Sadie walked right in.

It wasn't a very large cabin, but it was big enough for the three of them to live in. There was a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and two bedrooms.

When they first moved into the cabin, it had been while Sadie's mom had been pregnant and she and Daryl had moved in together. Sadie's parents shared one room and the other room was her nursery. But after her mom died, Merle moved in and Daryl moved into Sadie's room so that Merle could have his own.

Merle got his own bedroom because of his tendency to bring women back with him. Daryl knew that sharing a room with either him or Sadie wouldn't stop him from doing so, so Daryl just decided to let him have the room alone.

Daryl didn't bring women home anymore, so him and Sadie shared a bunk bed. Daryl got the bottom bunk and Sadie got the top. The odd time that Daryl would sleep with a woman, it would be at their place, not his, so there was never anything for Sadie to worry about.

Sadie went through each room, checking the place out. Daryl and Merle weren't there, but then again, Sadie didn't really expect them to be. All their weapons were gone, including Sadie's dagger and crossbow.

It didn't worry Sadie that they weren't there. If Merle and Daryl Dixon were one thing, it would be survivors. They were the best hunters and fighters she knew. And she knew she'd find them again. She felt it in her heart.

"They're not here." Sadie announced, walking into the living room where Rick, Morgan, and Duane were waiting. "Sorry, kiddo." Rick said and Sadie could hear the sincerity in his voice. "It's fine. They're alive. I know that. They're survivors. And I'll find them. Just like we'll find your family." Sadie responded, confidently.

"So, are you ready to go?" Rick asked her. "Yeah, just one sec. I want to check one thing first." Sadie answered before going back into her and Daryl's room. She climbed to the top bunk and lifted the mattress up.

Under the mattress was a dagger and picture she always kept hidden. Daryl and Merle loved each other a lot, that was evident, but there weren't many truly happy memories together. But there was one that Sadie had managed to take a picture of and they didn't know she had it.

She looked at the picture fondly for a few moments, before putting it in her pocket

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She looked at the picture fondly for a few moments, before putting it in her pocket. Then she grabbed a change of clothes from her dresser. Most of her clothes weren't there anymore, but she found a few outfits that had been left behind

She put the clothes and her dagger in a backpack she had in her room, before going back to the living room to meet up with Rick, Morgan, and Duane. Then they went to their next stop: the Sheriff's Station.

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