18: irl

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calum hesitated before going inside the studio, where he was supposed to pick up ariana from

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calum hesitated before going inside the studio, where he was supposed to pick up ariana from. he was nervous, not only because he genuinely liked her and wanted to get to know her, but also because he knew her friends would all be there. they all seemed cool, except for one.

one calum was sure would be a pain in the ass.

just as he predicted, ariana was sitting on mikey's lap. it was painfully obvious they were comfortable with each other and it made calum's blood boil. however, he had to remind himself he had no right to be jealous because ariana wasn't his girlfriend. and even if she was, calum knew her friends were the most important people in her life.

ariana smiled as soon as she saw calum, she walked over to him and stood on her tiptoes to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. calum wanted nothing more than to grab her face and properly kiss her, but he wasn't confident enough to do it in front of all her friends.

ariana stayed close to him, so close that calum kept his hand on her lower back as she introduced him to everyone.

he caught mikey staring and tried his hardest to suppress the inevitable smirk that made its way to his face.

"okay we should get going." ariana stared at calum for a moment before grabbing his hand and quickly pulling him out of the room.

"woah slow down." calum laughed, but ariana kept running and he followed close behind.

they were giggling carefree as ever until ariana tripped, almost falling flat on her face. calum, however, held her in place out of instinct and tightly gripped her waist.

their noses were almost touching and the tension between them was unbearable.

"can i kiss you?" calum whispered.

ariana smiled, connecting her lips to his and the rest of the world seemed to disappear for a moment.

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