28: irl

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ariana continued to cry uncontrollably as she hugged toulouse, desperately needing comfort

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ariana continued to cry uncontrollably as she hugged toulouse, desperately needing comfort. she felt pathetic, crying over a boy she had known for only a few weeks. history seemed to be repeating itself and it was messing with her mind.

"ariana..." victoria teared up as soon as she saw her best friend lying on the couch completely broken.

"i'm so stupid! why did i think it would be different this time? i never learn." ariana screamed in between sobs. she rubbed her face and groaned, not knowing what else to do to get rid of all the frustration and anxiety she had bottled up inside.

"listen to me, ari. listen! we're gonna go to the studio, we're gonna get drunk, we're gonna write and cry and do whatever we need to do, okay? just like we did last time." ariana dried her tears and nodded, knowing it was the only thing she could do in that moment.


calum was drunk.

he'd decided to get drunk the second ariana didn't say she loved him back. not that he expected her to, he broke her heart, but he still had hope.

he felt stupid, but he was used to feeling that way. nia hurt him in ways he couldn't even begin to understand himself. she'd manipulated him so much throughout their relationship of almost two years, that part of him still belonged to her. she'd left him emotionally scarred, he didn't want to answer her texts, he just did it out of impulse.

he couldn't explain it and he didn't want to, he just wanted it to be over. he wanted to be able to be happy with ariana without feeling guilty about it.

"nia, can you come over?"

he knew alcohol was a bad idea.

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