Taster: The Third Shadow

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Sometimes the truth is just too terrible to ever be guessed

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Sometimes the truth is just too terrible to ever be guessed...

When two British brothers are reported missing whilst on holiday in southern Italy, the local carabinieri turn to retired detective Jim Jacks for help. Still pained by a recent divorce, he has started a new life for himself as a small-scale wine producer. Along with commander Nuzzo, he will slowly unravel a mystery which is even darker than it had first seemed...

Genre: murder mystery
Length: 75,000 words (300 novel pages)
Target audience: adult, anyone who likes mysteries full of twists and which are populated by three-dimensional characters
Status: twice-weekly posts, Sundays and Thursdays


'I stayed there at the holiday bungalow with Sarah and Olivia for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Would return again the following morning.

An analyst would no doubt conclude that my actions weren't entirely selfless; that as a lonely old divorcee I found a nostalgic comfort in female company. And yes, this might have been part of it. But there was a very practical reason too for my more or less continued presence in the house. I just didn't want to leave them to themselves I suppose, was afraid of what might happen.

Yes, the thing I remember most about that forty-eight hour period is the silence. There was something brooding to it. Ominous, almost delicate, like if it cracked you feared it would explode. An edgy, precarious silence stretching on and on, minute after minute, hour after hour.'

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