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Yoongi and Taehyung remained in the bedroom as the yelling and fighting continued. They both hoped it would end soon. Neither of them wanted anyone to get hurt, though Yoongi couldn't deny that he wanted Namjoon to get his butt kicked a bit. From how it sounded, the fight seemed to have shifted from the kitchen to the living room somehow. Yoongi was just relieved that neither of the incubi came near the bedroom. He couldn't understand anything that was being said, though he did occasionally catch their names among the yelling.

Taehyung, on the other hand, could understand it all. He didn't know what to make of it. One minute, Namjoon was rudely telling Jungkook that he was wasting his time with Yoongi and should find someone else. The next minute, he was claiming to care about his bond to Taehyung. Jungkook was refusing to give up on Yoongi because he said he knew it was worth all the time and effort he was giving.

"Did you call in to work?" Yoongi asked, hoping Taehyung had notified his workplace that he wouldn't be there today.

Taehyung shook his head."Not yet. I haven't had the chance."

Giving Taehyung's shoulder a small pat, Yoongi hoped his friend wouldn't get in trouble for this."Go ahead and do that now while we're alone in here." As Taehyung got out his phone to call his workplace, Yoongi sighed and just listened to the fight that was happening. He hated this. He almost felt like crying just from sheer frustration. While Taehyung was most likely talking to his manager, Yoongi felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Pulling it out, he saw a text from Hoseok that simply said 'omw.'

Yoongi was definitely glad to see that. Hoseok must have listened to the voicemail during a break and come up with an excuse to leave work."Shit's about to go down." Looking at Taehyung as he apologized to his manager, Yoongi knew this was going to make him really nervous but hopefully also relieve him."Hoseok's on his way."

Ending the call with his workplace, Taehyung bit his bottom lip when he heard Yoongi's words."He's coming? Now?" He lowered his gaze and sighed."This is a disaster. He's leaving work for this. What if he gets in trouble?"

"Honestly, I don't think he cares if he gets in trouble." Yoongi knew Hoseok well enough to say that."He loves you, and we both know that he'll do anything for you. So we'll just wait here until he arrives."

And that was exactly what they did. Yoongi and Taehyung waited in the bedroom until they heard the front door open then close, followed by a shout."What the hell is going on here?!"

Getting off the bed, Taehyung unlocked his bedroom door and went out with Yoongi, seeing Hoseok in the living room."Hoseokie-hyung..."

Hoseok didn't acknowledge Taehyung yet. Instead, he split up the fight. Grabbing Jungkook, he practically threw him to the floor."Stay down!" he commanded. Then, he shoved Namjoon harshly toward the couch."Sit the fuck down!"

Yoongi was certainly surprised. He had never seen Hoseok be so rough before."Oh shit, he snapped."

"Now which one of you is going to tell me why you're fighting?!" Hoseok was not in the mood to deal with any bullshit. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now.

"Hoseok." Yoongi started to step forward, but he halted when Hoseok simply held up a hand to signal for him to stay back.

Not getting an answer from either incubus, Hoseok groaned."One of you better start talking."

It got pretty quiet for a couple minutes. Namjoon was panting, as was Jungkook, both of them a bit worn out from fighting."It's my fault." Namjoon finally spoke."I shouldn't have come here."

Hoseok placed his hands on his hips as he kept a hard gaze on Namjoon."Why did you come here?"

Namjoon refused to look at Hoseok, knowing he had been the one in the wrong."I came here to strengthen the bond with Taehyung, but he wants nothing to do with me."

"You two really hate each other, huh?" That was painful for Hoseok. He truly loved both Taehyung and Namjoon, and he wanted them to get along and hopefully love each other too, but he could see now that it wasn't working.

"I don't hate him." Namjoon denied."I never did. I was jealous at first because he had you."

Hoseok tried to calm down, knowing that he shouldn't let himself lose his temper."Taehyung is a remarkable, sweet person. Why couldn't you just try to like him?"

"Because I couldn't even view him as a person." Namjoon finally admitted."My training as a collector, Hoseok. I was trained to view all other species as objects. Not as people. Emotional detachment training is necessary for collectors. Have you forgotten that? It makes it easier for us to mate for knowledge then kill our mates."

"Your training..." That made more sense to Hoseok.

Namjoon huffed out a quick sigh."But now that I've mated with you and that human, I've started to feel things for him, and I don't understand it." He glanced at Taehyung before looking at Hoseok."Due to my training, it's like falling in love with a doorknob. I'm fucking confused, okay?"

Now understanding Namjoon's side, Hoseok turned his attention to Jungkook."And what about you? Why were you fighting?"

Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest and huffed, clearly still mad."Namjoon raised his voice at Yoongi and pushed him. He even said that I'm just wasting my time with him, but I know Yoongi is perfect. I won't ever give up on him, even if I have to wait my entire life to mate with him."

"So you were just defending your little one." That was enough to get Hoseok to let Jungkook off the hook for fighting."You should take Yoongi home. I need to stay here with these two." He watched Jungkook get up and step over to Yoongi."Hyung, head home with Jungkook. I'll take care of things here." When he noticed Namjoon start to get up from the couch, he gave him such an authoritative gaze."Did I say you could get up? No. Sit back down."

Taehyung was surprised to see Namjoon sit right back down when Hoseok told him."Yoongi-hyung, I'll call you later."

"Alright. Talk to ya later, Tae." Yoongi gave Taehyung's shoulder a small pat then grabbed Jungkook's hand, ready to head out. He wanted to give a goodbye to Hoseok, but he didn't think he should right now. He had never seen Hoseok get so hotheaded before. So he just left with Jungkook.

Invasion of the D*ck Monsters (YoonKook) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now