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Now this was something Namjoon had never done before. He had never gone out anywhere with Jungkook and Seokjin to just have fun. He had only ever gone out with them to scout during missions. This was a completely new thing for him. He was starting to get used to going out with his mates, but it was weird to go out like this with the two incubi who had trained under him on his ship and followed his commands. He was no longer seen as a higher rank. He was an equal now, and that was odd to him. Namjoon wasn't used to treating them like equals. That may seem bad to humans, but it was just the way things were in their home world. It seemed like that way of living still stuck with Seokjin too, judging by how he still obeyed Namjoon and didn't talk back to him. However, Jungkook had always been the disobedient type anyway, always getting himself in trouble.

As they walked around, Seokjin was rather quiet, as usual. On their missions, he would discuss various things with Namjoon in order to keep each other informed, but they had no missions now. So what was he supposed to say? Having a casual conversation with Namjoon was simply something that never happened. Seokjin only spoke freely with Jungkook. That was what he was used to doing. It would be atrocious to speak casually to his commanding captain.

On the contrary, Jungkook was in a terrible mood, hence his silence. He would rather stay home with Yoongi or just chat with Seokjin. He couldn't do either though. This time outside had been Yoongi's idea, and Seokjin wouldn't chat causally with Namjoon around. Of course, Jungkook understood that Seokjin had reasons for that. Seokjin was still stuck in his social habits from their world and the ship, and it would also be risky to speak casually around Namjoon, fearing that he might slip up and mention something that would get him punished. They didn't have to worry about punishments anymore though, did they?"Where are we even going?" Jungkook asked with a snappy attitude."You're lost, aren't you? Being a mission captain, you're supposed to be good with navigation, but I see you failed in that area."

"I'm not lost." Namjoon responded simply. He didn't want to lose his temper with Jungkook. They were in public, and he didn't want to cause a scene. Besides, he also wanted to mend things between them, so arguing was something he wanted to avoid."I just don't know where we should go. This world has a lot of things we've never seen before."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest."Every world is full of things we've never seen before, right? So why is that suddenly making things difficult for you? This is my first time being in a new world, and I'm not as scatterbrained as you." One corner of his lips curled slightly to form a half-smirk when Namjoon stopped walking and turned to face him."Did I hit a button, Leader?" Jungkook's tone dripped with sarcasm.

Namjoon inhaled deeply to calm himself."What has gotten into you today, Jungkook?"

"You know exactly what my problem with you is." Jungkook felt Seokjin place a hand on his shoulder, but he ignored him."Don't act like you forgot about what you said about Yoongi not being my mate."

Seokjin wished they wouldn't do this right now. He hated to see them fight. Sure, it was funny when Jungkook and Namjoon would fight more playfully, like when Jungkook would tease Namjoon over stupid things, but this wasn't like that. Anyone could see that Jungkook was really mad."Jungkook, don't. Not now."

Jungkook didn't listen to Seokjin."You think that having a bond is the only thing that connects mates. You're so stupid. Yoongi can be my mate even without the bond. Why don't you see that?"

"I do see that." Namjoon cut in."That's why I said it."

"What?" Jungkook scoffed."That doesn't even make sense."

"Then please let me explain." Namjoon had wanted to find a better place to have this conversation, but it was happening now. He motioned toward a nearby alley."Let's step in here and talk, so we won't attract attention to ourselves."

Despite not wanting to listen to any of Namjoon's commands, Jungkook stepped into the alley with him. Maybe it was just a little comforting that Seokjin stayed at his side, the best friend trying to keep the situation from getting out of hand."I'm listening, so explain." Jungkook said as he almost immediately started tapping his foot.

With a sigh, Namjoon kept his nerves as calm as possible."I know Yoongi has become your mate without a bond. You two have the strongest connection I've seen in a very long time. I hated that." He cleared his throat quietly before continuing."At that time, I was struggling with my bond to Taehyung. He wouldn't do anything I said. He didn't listen to me. He was my mate, yet he hated me."

"He's your mate, not your subordinate." Jungkook huffed."Stop acting like everyone has to follow your orders."

"I've learned that, Jungkook. I'm just...having a hard time letting go of how things work in our world." Namjoon stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants and lightly kicked at the ground with his gaze down. This was odd behavior to come from a confident captain. In this moment, his confidence was gone. He wasn't a captain anymore."I'm homesick. Despite how terrible our home is, I miss it. It's what I'm used to. I've been a high-ranked captain since my youth. Giving orders and being in command are what I'm used to. I am not used to being equal to others."

Jungkook stopped tapping his foot, and his crossed arms loosened a little."We are equals here, Namjoon. We can just be happy with our mates."

"That's what stumps me." Namjoon slumped his shoulders."I should be happy here, but I'm not. I have two mates, but only one of them loves me. I can't constantly be with them, but you can be with Yoongi all the time." His vision blurred as his eyes grew moist, but he blinked it away."I'm lost here. No matter how terrible our world is, I always knew what to expect there. I knew how things worked. I knew what to do. Here, I don't know."

Lightly shaking his head, Jungkook uncrossed his arms and sighed."Why didn't you just talk to us about this sooner? We could have worked together instead of fighting."

"How am I supposed to open up like this to you two? I'm your leader, you fool." Namjoon was taken by surprise when Jungkook's strong hand grabbed his shoulder.

"You're an idiot." Jungkook's anger had been melted by Namjoon's honest words. He pulled him close and embraced him."How many times do you need to be told that you're not our leader anymore? We're equal. Talk to us."

Only weak incubi cried. Namjoon didn't want to cry, but the sniffles started. Only weak incubi apologized."Jungkook, I'm sorry." In this moment, Namjoon was a weak incubus. But also in this moment...

"I forgive you."

Namjoon was accepted as an equal.

Seokjin, wanting to be included, reached a hand up to start gently stroking Namjoon's hair."Be our friend, Namjoon."

Invasion of the D*ck Monsters (YoonKook) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now