The Pain of Losing Someone You Love

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The bitch is back!!!(Literally just after I typed this a song called "Bitch Came Back" came on, I'm spooked[By "Theory Of A Deadman" if you were wondering]) 
So I've decided to come back to writing earlier than expected, mostly due to the fact that the Corona Virus has got me fucking quarantined in my house right now. Which I have no problem with because I don't have to go to school which means I'll be having a lot less mental breakdowns due to stress and anxiety. Yaaayyyyy. 
Downside is that I'm fucking bored. I realise I've only been quarantined for four days and I've already drove myself insane. 
So I'll be writing a lot again.
Here's some tips to survive the corona virus and quarantine: 
Stay safe. Avoid people. Wash ya damn hands. Have fun chilling in quarantine. Read a crap ton of fanfiction. Try not to die(that would suck). Binge a lot of crap on Netflix. But don't be dumb like me and watch a horror movie alone in the dark, especially when you have a tendency to be a paranoid little bitch(I have clearly made a mistake, judge me all you want, I'm scared now and its dark and scary in my room. Send help).
Ok, sorry for the bunch of words, onto the story...!

**Remus' POV**

"I made you some lunch." I say quietly as I place a plate of food on the bedside table. Y/n doesn't make any sign of acknowledgement and I sigh quietly before leaving the bedroom. She's been practically unresponsive since Sirius died and I don't know what to do to help her, I don't even know if there is anything I can do to help her.
She hasn't been eating, which has been worrying me, I'm beginning to worry she's going to starve.

I quietly head down to the kitchen and put the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea.
As I'm waiting for the kettle to boil I lean my elbows on the kitchen counter and put my head in my hands. I take a deep breath as tears begin rolling down my face. I stay like this for a moment before standing up and wiping my eyes. I finish making my cup of tea and sip it lightly eventhough it's way too hot and burns my tongue a bit.

I lean against the counter as I drink my tea. I hear light steps coming down the stairs and walk over to the door. I see Y/n standing at the bottom of the staircase. Her face looks grey and dead. I walk over to her and gently place my hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me, her eyes greyer than ever before.
"Do you want anything to eat?" I ask. She doesnt respond. "Y/n? What's wrong?"
"Nightmare." She mumbles softly. I frown slightly before carefully pulling her into my arms. I place a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

"Come eat something, it might help make you feel better." I suggest as I release her from my grasp.
"I'm not hungry."
"Y/n, you haven't ate in days. I'm worried about you." I say but she doesnt respond. "Please just try to eat something."
"Ok." She mumbles.
"Thank you." I say quietly and take her hand in mine, leading her into the kitchen.

She sits down on the kitchen counter and I start making one of her favourite meals. I look over at her a few times while I'm cooking, she's staring at the kitchen counter, I can tell she's zoned out by the way her eyes are focusing on nothing in particular.
"So," I say, breaking the silence. She looks over at me and I continue. "Harry's gonna be here in a few days."
"Yeah." She mumbles quietly in acknowledgement to my words.
"Y/n, please dont take this the wrong way, but do you really think having Harry here while you're like this is a good idea?"
She sighs quietly and hops off the counter. She doesnt answer my question, instead she walks out of the kitchen. Well that went excellently. 

I sigh to myself and stop cooking to go after her. I head up to our bedroom, where I know she went. I enter the room to see her curled up in a ball on the bed, crying softly.
I sit down on the bed beside her and gently place my hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I realise I shouldn't've said that." I apologise.
"But you're right though." She sobs. "I'm not ok and I know that Harry wont be either, so how am I going to be able to help him if I cant even help myself?"
She sits up and I pull her close to me. She rests her head on my chest and cries as I soothingly rub my hand in circles on her back.
"Y/n, look, its perfectly reasonable for you to be reacting this way, you just lost one of the most important people to you. Just remember that I'm here for you, stop trying to push me away, its not gonna work, you're stuck with me."
I notice a small smile on her face. That's the first time she's smiled since Sirius died.
"I love you." She mutters, snuggling closer to me.
"I love you too." I respond. "Now, how about we go downstairs and I finish making food."
"That sound good." She mutters softly, lifting her head from me. I take her hand and we head down to the kitchen, where I resume cooking.

The Only One - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now